
She was also being manhunted due to her doxxing and slandering a game jam that had great intentions and would have had amazing results to fund her own as well as copyright striking a youtube video that criticised her

I guess you're not caught up on this story. Her game is the last thing people are talking about. They're talking about corruption, breach of ethics, and what kind of future women can expect in the gaming industry when people like Zoe are acting like this. There is proof now that she has falsely doxxed herself (with

Wait, so where do I stand? I'm a feminist and believe in trying to improve things for everyone, as well as mental health stuff. Both myself and my wife have huge support for her, we donate to her Paetreon (or she does from both of us, I can't remember the name of that site).

People are missing the point quite a lot. Don't get distracted by sex so easily. It's not about that. Replace sex with candy if you wish and read the story again, and you will see the problem. It's about what's happening behind the curtains, it is about lies, about hypocrisy, about compromise of integrity from all

Sleeping with your boss is always extremely questionable.

I wasn't interested in it until I read one of the guys she was having sex with was a judge for a prize-money award she won.

Stephen, the video by the InternetAristocrat proves that Nathan did in fact write about Depression Quest in a positive manner. To say IA faked the article and then delete the real one is not professional. To go to this extent of damage control, is only further tarnishing your journalistic integrity. Please do not try

Now playing

No, it's because she manipulated people to further her own selfish goals. Here, 12:00 is what really pisses me off:

you're a complete idiot if you think this had anything to do with her being a woman making a game. It has everything to do with her (reportedly) not only offering to sleep with journalists for favorable coverage, but also flat out lying about being harassed by sites that never did anything to her. Then there's the

I read the logs posted by Eron - I've followed this because of the Streisand Effect on reddit.

when it's to gain a positive review then it 's a problem

It's an issue with journalism. Journalists are supposed to be impartial, unbiased sources of information. Sleeping with someone you're reporting about is absolutely going to alter how you cover any news related to them.

Yeah cause Ripley couldn't have whooped your ass at the end of alien in her paintes. Women can't be sexy and powerful at the same time to you people. Powerful and strong means dressing modestly. Got it.

but she wore that before she had the Zero suit...

You can be assured here at Jezebel they'd write the cruelest hate article they could muster about such a post regarding disney princesses. they'd also be sure to complain about whatever gawker branch had posted said article, and tell all the readers how wrong it is.
This site is trash, but I occasionally get sucked

This just in: Jezebel staff as equally unable to handle criticism as their reader base.

Yeah, I guess I'm an asshole to be offended by this post.

Thanks Tracie, I'm really looking forward to seeing that later today!

When will you be posting the illustrations of what Disney princess pussies look like?