
It won't have a save transfer option for it. The PSP games only did because they were basically expansions. Like Freedom 2 to Unite, Unite was a huge expansion that still had the base Freedom 2 in.
There's some monsters not making a return from 3U into 4, so it wouldn't make sense to be able to transfer their

I'm also in the UK and agree with you completely. The special edition is £65 here while the collectors edition is bloody £120 which isn't worth it at all for a hat, bag with a lock on it and a blueprint map. If people really wanted the hat, anyone could just buy a cheap baseball cap and get the logos printed on it,

I agree and am also sick of people going on and on about a FF7 remake. Every time a new console comes out, people start hoping. It's got going to happen anytime soon, if at all.

The obsessive compulsiveness in me is bothered by this. All the games should be in alphabetical order and on the right shelves. With the Gamecube label at the topside not bottom.

I'd much rather pay the extra and get a proper Lego Enterprise. If only they existed. When the Star Trek website first showed off the Kre-O toys, I facepalmed, they really should have teamed up with Lego. At least then the ships would look much better and the minifigures would be so much better too. I hate the cheap

For European players it's August the 23rd I think. It was sometime in August for sure.

To be honest I'm not that great at competitive battling because I can never do the breeding thing for good IVs. I half arse the EV training too.

I still use my Blaziken from Ruby too, I raised and trained it when I didn't care about natures but it turned out to be adamant which was lucky. Still use it now in Black 2.

As someone that lives in the UK, I've always wanted to visit Canada. It always looks and sounds so nice. I also have a few friends that live there.

Has anyone that has commented on one of your articles ever upset or offended you? Just curious to see if any comments have got under your skin.

Have to agree with this, there's no way in hell it costs that to make. I thought the Zelda community was supposed to help each other out, not price jack and crap like that. Just look at the Collectors Edition of Hyrule Historia...

Nice haha. That was awesome.

*Waves gun around* You still had fun though right? Don't make me have to use this.

As a disabled gamer myself, I had no idea Twitch had a community for disabled gamers. Although I've never seen much difference in it, other than its harder to play some Wii games.

Are you kidding, its way better than the normal cover. At least it is different.

Thanks for reminding me of this, I'm in the UK and couldn't remember the GTA3 box art looking like the one in the article. This helped jog my memory of the brilliant PAL cover.

I remember my dad getting it for me when I was 11 or 12, which would be illegal now due to stricter laws on the sale of violent video games to

I've always liked the holes in the buster sword, assuming that is where the materia slots into. It's always good if gameplay mechanics make it onto the character/weapon design.

I feel the same way, I often give around $10-20 if I've not got the majority of the games and a little less if I do. I got the Bastion physical rewards last week too. I usually give all the money to the developers though.

Yeah as cool as the TFG figures looked, they don't look all that practical for displaying if one isn't into the actual TF game.

Exactly what I was going to say.