
Why isn't Xenoblade Chronicles there, that is still mine and many others favourite RPG ever made. It's worlds better than The Last Story, which honestly doesn't belong on that list. I'm a huge fan of Sakaguchi but I found TLS very uninspired. It's story is so predictable and the gameplay isn't anything special.

Flippin' heck mun, suddenly everyone is acting Welsh.

Same here, played N64 for so much time when I was younger and never came across a broken controller.

I agree entirely with this, was scrolling down the comments looking to see if anyone had said the CCP. I also played Monster Hunter Tri for about 300 hours with it, basically never leaving my hands.

Damn I hadn't got around to playing it yet so didn't know about Joker dying. This is what I get for browsing articles on the next game in the series.

Haha this has to be my favourite so far.

Eh it's still funny. Even if it doesn't use the source image it is still relevant. I liked this a lot because it looks like something Google and Nintendo would really do.

As much as I dislike the whole "Brony" thing, it's still a bad thing that this project got shut down. Just because you personally don't like it doesn't mean other people should never be able to like it.

But in the end, it doesn't even matter.

I agree with that first statement, if it sells poorly then we'll never get MH again after years of asking for it.

I think it's Capcom who are handling the servers, not Nintendo.

I was thinking that myself, a small round translucent blue stud would be good in the middle. Even the one in the picture looks amazing. Let me know if and when you do version 2.0.

Actually I didn't get Dragon Age II, I did see the web series but didn't know she wrote it.

Oh my, I want that Monado Lego weapon.

If the games are still sold in stores, I don't see why they wouldn't be on sale after a period of 2-6 months. Depending on how well selling the game is.

Sounds good, thanks for the reply. I'll purchase it later on in the week to have a break from Ni No Kuni.

Surely you'd get that all on a laptop. Still a good point though.

Hey, as a huge Zelda fan I'm really liking the look of the game. Just wondering though, if I buy it from your site, would I get a code to get it free on Steam if it becomes greenlit?

I think it would be worse if one didn't have a stable internet connection. I pay for broadband and my connection seems to drop at least once a day.

Like I said, I watched a lot of that stuff quite close together. Although she's still mentioned in a lot of stuff too. Looked it up and it was Dragon Age Redemption she was in, looks like she created that as well.