Also, too. According to some reports he was contractually obligated to report this, so he could be fired for cause and lose his buyout.
Also, too. According to some reports he was contractually obligated to report this, so he could be fired for cause and lose his buyout.
Legally, ethically, and contractually (as I understand it) Meyer was REQUIRED to report his knowledge to the proper authorities (in this case the title IX officer, I believe).
No he is not the sheriff.
But he is required, explicitly by his contract if nothing else, to report his knowledge of abuse to the Title IX officer. Who is also not the sheriff.
Why when other commenters will come by and do my work for me?
Sharing because reasons.
Since Drew lives in Maryland, might I suggest duck pin bowling?
You can have the best of both worlds. Double-space after the period to indulge your reflexes and learned habits, but have your word processor auto correct it after you type it.
In my experience dryers open down. It’s the washer that opens to one side or the other. Again, in my admittedly limited experience. As much as washer placement might depend on water hookups, it should also depend on which side your washer door opens. Not saying my mother’s solution is universally wrong, but…
I’d laugh, but I’ve been sooooooooo close to that being me. Before every run I work so hard to clear the colon you’d think I was a wrestler trying to make weight.
I run a lot and, yes, that’s why they call it “the runs.”
I am also active in local running community and have staffed a few water stops. At some point in EVERY RACE, someone runs by who you know has shat themselves. You can’t tell, who, but you can smell it in the pack.
My experience in this regard is fairly minimal. As a lifetime renter, my experience is stackables. My parents’ set-up is washer right, dryer left and I hate to say this, but MOM IS WRONG! Not because of some broken “Unwritten rules of housekeeping” but because the front-loading washer door opens to the left. So now…
Boy, he really made spectacle of himself.
Part of non-violent resistance is accepting the punishment for breaking the law, no matter how unjust that law may be.
Might you be confusing him with his father Allen Funt who started Candid Camera and is in fact dead?
ETA: So, yes, he was a nepotism hire at Candid Camera.
Actually, they are probably more intelligent because they grew up with less lead in their environments.
They deal with lots of unions now. They also deal with, well not athletes, but plenty of primadonna employees whether with agents, lawyers, and associated weasels.
I just don’t see this adding much to either the quantity or complexity of what your average DIV1 school already is. These schools are alreay among the most…
Do people really not get why Colleges don’t want to pay athletes? They have no interest in running professional sports leagues, or dealing with all the employment related bullshit that comes with it. And they shouldn’t.
And let’s be clear. The BEST anyone can say in Schiano’s shoes is that they worked side-by-side with a pedophile for (what 7?) years and didn’t notice anything amiss.
“Pay me millions to be a leader”
Honest question, but how rare is this really? We hear about the various high profile screwings, and they are outrageous, but how often do student athletes quietly transfer and we never hear about it because they are nobodies or on no-name schools or playing less than headline sports?
That’s Idris Elba and Dominic West who just can’t hold a Baltimore accent for more than 5 lines. They came back for the game.