
C&W music sung by drug using felons who have been to jail and are proud of it!

Have you been following the trial of Baltimore police? That’s not as bad as enabling a decade or more of an abusive pedophile but it’s pretty enraging, too.

Yeah, but that was 2004. Powerpoint was the shit then. We looked up to anyone who could put together a good presentation like THEY.WERE.GODS! And he probably had spinning letters and fancy wipes and fades. Back in the early aughts those men were the rock stars. We were so naive.

Maybe they concluded he was playing with a full deck?

I meant to agree and offer an unrelated opinion. I need to work on my presentation skills.

I’d rather watch a template based slide show thrown together by some dyspeptic, day-after drunk than a “deck” by some nimrod who spent days on the zoomiest animation and wordsmithed-to-hell-&-back bullet points.

At the very troops he now he now wants to honor.

Powerpoint deck.

He also addressed the possibility of the series leaving an opening for a reboot or revival some day by saying, “That’s not happening. This story, A Song Of Fire And Ice [sic], is done. There’s no revival, reboot, spin-off talk.”

I work for a federal agency. I am not paid out of money appropriated by Congress but by money my agency raises through other means.

I am still considered a public employee.

Hollis, who said he never met convicted sexual abuser and former Michigan State women’s gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar in person, believes “every decision I made was a good one at the time I made it,”

That second paragraph is a piece of work. “I was all set to retire but stuck around to see MSU through this difficult time.”

I have the same question. Many of the victims were minors. They reported it to people who have a legal duty to report. How are these people not facing legal consequences.

So my question is this, is there some sort of procedure that actually exists? If so, is it fairly common or something exceedingly rare?

I know this post is almost two months old, but I just noticed it.

But with all due respect to the lexicographer, here is a link to news clippings from 1849 and 1853 that use the word “irregardless.” Doesn’t mean it was necessarily common, of course, and printed English is not dialectical English, but the word was

On the one hand, I can absolutely see this point. Most coaches can’t even answer post-game questions about the game with any but the most meaningless cliches. Why should we expect them to actually have an opinion on something important?

On the other hand he is arguably one of the most visible members of the MSU


Hey, what about Harford County? We suck, too!
But what we don’t have are any colleges to send our evil spawn downtown to drink, vomit, and piss all over Fells Point. So we got that going for us.

Definitely agree with your assessment. They might be second tier, but they want to be first tier and they will whine incessantly how they are just as awful as New York, DC, and Philly, but NO ONE GIVES OUR AWFULNESS ANY RESPECT!!! and they still feel affronted that Indianapolis stole some of their awfulness 50 years

Oh, Baltimore will fail in its attempt to prove itself. It is Baltimore after all. But it will put in the old not-getting-into-college try to be worst city. (And since you seem to be taking this waaayyyyy too seriously, allow me to point out that the category is “worst city in the country” not “worst sport fan city.”)