'Twas the Friday before Xmas

Thanks. I wish I could have that conversation with him, I just can't get through to him. I sent him a text last night saying I understand that he is having a very hard time right now, and I know he needs space, and that I'm still right here, and I love him. He is just so closed off emotionally. He is always (except

You must be a blast at parties.

I really don't think it hurt me in the long run. I had a few drinks maybe a few times a year when I was in high school. I didn't start drinking on a regular basis until I was 22. So for me, personally, not a big deal. But I know for some people it can be.

I tried calling his parents' house. His dad picked up and then said "Oh, I'll get him" and then I heard him walking around for like 20 seconds (not talking to my bf) and then he said "He'll call you back" and hung up. So, not really an option :(

Thanks. I sent him a text last night, and I tried to call but he didn't pick up. Sometimes when he gets like this he doesn't even look at his phone. I've been thinking I might try to hitch a ride out to where he is with his family (it's like 2 hours away from where I am) but I have a bunch of job interviews this week

The logic is that beverages like Burst, Mike's Hard Lemonade, and Smirnoff Ice accustom the reluctant young drinker to the pleasures of booze, thereby paving the way for a future of recreational drinking that ends with the inevitable nightly bottle-and-a-half of Chardonnay paired with reheated Tupperware spaghetti.

Yikes. That sounds hard. Well, you do have all day tomorrow to work on it. Don't give up yet, it's possible to get a lot of studying done in one day, more than you might think. And if you toss in the towel now you might regret it later. Good luck!!

Thanks. My friends and family all say the same thing. I think I'm just having a hard time telling when it's gone too far, if that makes sense? He's been there for me through a lot of bad stuff. And I just keep thinking, I'm not even a practicing Christian, but I think about that quote from the bible about "Love is

We've had issues with it in the past. Three years ago he left school to move to another state to be with me while I went to grad school. Last year we moved back and got him re-enrolled, but he still hasn't finished yet, and he's not taking classes now. His family thinks I ruined his future, and that I want to waste

What is the exam over?

I am cracking up at those captions. Don't worry about the independent study contract. If you accidentally did it wrong, then your department head or adviser, or whoever, will let you know, and then you can fix it. No big deal :)

So, I know I could post this on GT, but I hate to always be such a downer over there, so I'm putting this here.

My boyfriend and I don't use a safe word. We tried at first, but I would just forget it. So instead we just talk things out ahead of time, and he watches carefully and checks to make sure I am ok. We've never had a problem. It's not completely insane to not use a safe word.

Thanks, I'll give that a try!

Blast from the past! That Barbie sounds familiar. I know my sisters and I always wanted to be like Barbie when we grew up - she had awesome clothes, a sweet apartment, and a cool car, and presumably a good job to get all those things. Not a terrible role model in that regard. The giant boobs, though...that's another

Don't sweat it. Plenty of awesome feminist women played with Barbies as kids.

He's just so masculine! For a cat :)

Oh, god yes. Even though he would be so terrible to date, what with being hung up on what's her name with the blonde hair.

So, this he single? :)

His beard. It's so....twisted.