Opinion: everyone should have to survive off of service industry jobs and wages for a year. It would make society a nicer place.
He’ll last. There’s no way Trump doesn’t fucking love this guy.
Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a…
Even if they were underage and it were proven conclusively, it still wouldn’t matter. He’ll even continue to get the endorsement of the Christian right. They just don’t care. As long as he hates who they hate, nothing else matters.
When W.’s Chief ethics attorney is throwing around the word treason, it might be a good time for Cheeto to remind his son that Executive privilege and protection from prosecution won’t apply to him too.
If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.
I’m not a crazy anti-vaxxer or anything, but I paid $250 for the pills. I was terrified of PPD and had read that the pills would not only help with energy and healing post-delivery, but also reduced chances of PPD. My partner and I went into it knowing we may just be paying for a placebo but both agreed we could…
I did this and I am no anti-vaxxer. Looking back, I made this decision in my 9th month of pregnancy, maybe a little crazy hormonal/stressed, and after doing some minor research online, I decided this couldn’t hurt me and why the fuck not. So I did it. I would say nothing noticeably bad/good happened. I shared my…
I think it’s great that conservatives are such good shots they can murder dozens of people in one go.
Liberals can’t even shoot straight.
There was literally a moment when he was walking in the room that I thought, “Wait, is Comey kind of hot?” I think it was the height thing. But then he said his age and I was like, “Aghh, he’s almost as old as my parents, no, no, no.”
This is very good advice, but I wonder...why are some of us this way? Is it something we’re born with? The result of some traumatic incident in childhood? I’d really like to know.
Just breaking: Jared Kusner under FBI investigation re: Russia.
I hate you.
I have fibro and in my pre-car days, good-public-transport days (like 2 months ago) there were times when I was so tired or sore or light-headed or nauseated it would have made a huge difference if I could have sat down. But because I have an invisible disability (or people look at me and assume “lazy fattie”) I never…
WOW, this was amazing. Your mom should write an oral history of NYC during this time!
Thanks, kid. Mike Pence also owes me (and every other LGBT person) and every woman in America an apology. But it’s a start.
Well it’s clearly not ‘say yes to the bra.’