Frida Claxton

When I was a teenager I was attacked while opening up my work early in the morning. It was sunny and a busy street but the door was on a corner kind of away from the view.

To sell more merch.

They’re events for his re-election campaign. He’s already filed his candidacy; keeps him flush in SuperPAC slush funds. Also he needs these rallies to ameliorate the pain of facts.

she says she was “fully mentally prepped” to be raped by the men, and adds, “I just prayed that Kourtney’s going to have a normal life after she sees my dead body on the bed.”

Intentional inbreeding will do that

Thank gawd for the natural wrinkles on her forehead in the pic with the soccer kids! I’ve been thinking about getting the botox for a single wrinkle next to my right brow. I guess I’m always making a face that says “hmmm.” But now, that brow has a crease even when I’m not furrowing.

“It was William’s choice to go away, but make no mistake Kate wears the trousers in their marriage

This article doesn’t mention it, but there was a screen shot that showed William with his arm around another woman’s waist at the party.

On a scale of 1 to Trump how trashy does it make me that deep down I’m kind of rooting for it to be true? I mean, I know it would damage a young, cute family but I still want some non-thiscouldkillus news to focus on for a bit.

Beware the Ides of March, Wills (also known as the Sunday papers).

That has given me the biggest laugh. William and Kate perform many fewer duties than Charles and Diana at the same stage. They perform fewer duties than Edward and Sophie did when their kids were small. They perform fewer duties than Andrew and Sarah did when their kids were small. They are lazy, lazy, lazy.

I pray for your speedy recovery

I may or may not be high-fiving the screen while wearing my Lady Diana replica ring.

I own a couple of these pieces and make no apologies for it. Sometimes you just need to be flowy ☺

Yeah but he’s a disproportionately big ass with a skinny midsection.

He’s just a gigantic ass...

TIL if u flip ed sheeran on his side and stretch out his face just right, he becomes an irish flag

lol I love that I just watched this episode on WE.

Is there a bad place to take dolls?