
There we go, labeling people just because of the connection they choose to use. “I cut bait instantly, mid-game. I’m like, ‘I’m out, I can’t do this.’” So you disconnect like a bitch because of the connection? 

This is abjectly not true.

I never said that newspapers were the moral authority on anything. It sounds like you are upset because your team/school looks kinda gross right now.

Please no. The reason I love Wild Hunt is because it’s in third person. I don’t think I’d be able to play it if it was in first person.

“So are we.”

The fact that you keep mistaking my point is not exactly undermining my point.

“I guess it’s just fun for you all to hit an easy target - i.e. “Stupid people from Kentucky””

I, for one, pledge to immediately stop making any such comments on that blessed day in the future when Kentuckians stop being stupid. 

Won’t someone think of how this story upsets the good UK fans?

Well then why is it that when I read this in a Kentucky accent all I hear is “drrr drr DRRRR drrr Benghazi?”

Look pal, making fun of UK fans is just plain fun. Sorry, but it’s the cost of doing business.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but personally, unless I’m really excited about a release (and this has happened twice in the last three years), I really try and avoid any game that has these kinds of buyable add-ons. I’m more than happy to wait and pay $20 for a bundled collection of content and DLC than I am to keep

So you admit your original post was meaningless. Just like those 13 goals. Good for you.

You don’t get most jokes, do you?

How many spots did they move up with those 13 goals?

And the stakes of their last two games were....?

He’s played 31 games in 3 years, but yes, it’s insane to think that health problems might prevent him from ever being a great player.

You’re the second person saying they shut him down to tank. Have Sixers fans really convinced themselves of this? He had fucking knee surgery! That’s not tanking! That’s a medical problem. He didn’t have surgery for fun or so they could get better draft picks.

For a catastrophic injury such as this, you have direct medical expenses - much of which will likely be covered - and indirect expenses which may not be covered (or not at the same level). Those include adaptations to his home, a wheelchair van (including, possibly, a van equipped for him to drive), OT/PT things like

I’ve never cheated in a competitive game pitting myself against others in any capacity (leaderboards, PvP) nor have I taken credit for anything accomplished with cheats (brag about beating a game with cheat codes) and I despise those who do. If I had it my way though I think even cheaters deserve a second chance.

Wow, you seem FUN.