
I feel like this argument is a deflection. Everything in it is correct- however, Viacom didn’t (or at lease didn’t say) they fired him because of the anti-white shit. It was because of the antisemitism. And that isn’t just words, that’s stuff that actively hurts and provokes violence against Jewish people.

El Presidente is like El Capitan; it’s a title that transcends geopolitcal boundaries. It’s like how we refer to Putin as “President” Putin, despite the international community understanding that he’s a dictator.

It’s a Far Cry game. Calm down.

Eh those of us who saw him in Breaking Bad already knew that, personally i’ve gotten used to how he speaks Spanish and he always makes for an entertaining so I truly could not give less of a fuck how “accurate” it is, I don’t play video games for accuracy anyways.

I’m totally fine with that plot here as it feels like

are you daft? free speech means the government cannot come after you for your words. it doesn’t, and NEVER HAS protected you, or your job, when you say stupid shit of your own volition. this has been your daily lesson in the first amendment. it doesn’t protect you from anything other than the government.

I’d love to see more of that. I know this part of the site is specifically about competition, but most of what I see here is creator after creator doing awfulness. That CAN’T be the whole community; a regular feature showcasing the good might help nudge behavior in general towards the better.


You literally made no pun. So good thing it wasn’t intended.

I’m 26. What the fuck are you saying?

Maybe you don’t like his opinions about hip-hop music, or his background (which you know damn well he had no part in choosing), but you seem to be conflating that with his actual opinion about black people.

You weren’t playing fantasy football then.

Aww, I thought this was going to be a lot more interesting. Like a guy actually did all the work to create branding, hired actors, staged a storefront for a day, etc. just to establish credibility. And then actually pulled it off, until some developer happened to catch them in a lie or was local to the area and knew

I totally get you here. Sometimes you just wanna get through a game without having to struggle. Unless it’s a game like Dark Souls where the difficulty is fundamentally linked to the experience the game shouldn’t mock you for wanting to take it easy and just enjoy the game. I recently started playing Nioh and I really

Uhh...I think you’ve assumed too much here, my pal. The origin of this rumor is a single line in a story from New Zealand. No one is actually trying to backdoor their way anywhere.

There is not “always a time”. Many companies close their doors without selling. Hell, statistics say most. Especially in the video games industry.

That is far from realistic. Not every company in the world sells out to larger companies. Not even most do that.

They’d say no because they love making games. It’s their whole existence. They don’t care about the bottom line (which is why they’re pirate-friendly). They also don’t have shareholders (They aren’t a traded company)

Putting “RIP” at the end of your disrespectful comment doesn’t make you less of a shitbird, just fyi.

It says a lot about a person when their first instinct regarding a question of violence against a woman is to think it must concern rooting interest towards a school.