
it gets clicks right now. clicks = advertising dollars. its that simple.

I’m sorry, what incredible boundaries were you expecting to be shattered by a product called “classic mini-nes”. $60 for all those games is a wonderful deal for people looking for a nostalgia kick on great titles.

The PSX controller? Haha, you do realize the PSX controller was literally just a SNES controller with prongs? And you know the dual analogue sticks on that controller were hastily added after release in reaction to the N64? “I know what we can do to innovate! Let’s add TWO of what they have! It worked for the shoulder

“Gotta Catch ‘Em All” doesn’t include plant life, bro.

Uh, bro:

Yesterday afternoon, my wife and I were walking to the grocery store when we passed by two teenagers milling about outside the local Jehovah’s Witness Hall, looking at their phones and trying to not look awkward (they failed). As we passed all I could say is, “I get it, guys. I do.”

100% agreed. It’s not the revolutionary game that its fans seem to think it is.

Took the words right out of my mouth. Undertale is a perfectly fine Earthbound-like with a neat battle system, that’s about it. Everything it does has been done better by other indie games like Cave Story, Yume Nikki, OFF, and LISA.

I’m happy he provided the perfect line to summarize why I hate Undertale fans.

Not at all. Just that if we’re doing an “underappreciated system” war, Wii-U is going to need a hell of a bombshell to come close to the amazingness that was released on DC. The current crop gets it somewhere in the vicinity in my books, but not there yet.


And in 10 years you will rebuy one and tell everyone how it was the “most unapreacated console of all time. Probably Nintendos best.”

Does it really matter? I get the backlash with other asian adaptations or characters.

That is one definition. Another is that for a lot of people Naruto, One Piece and Bleach are the three manga’s that have garnered huge international fandom for about as long as they have been into anime/manga themselves. Which I reckon is why people will then talk about them as the big three. Long time perspective of

Is the uproar actually coming from the Chinese and Japanese fans of these franchises or is it coming from the overly sensitive Americans that think they need to worry about everyone else’s reaction?

They have records for glitch and non glitch runs.

Yeah, but popping in a gameshark doesn’t take crazy amounts of hours to practice.

I’deducate you on how wrong you are, I just dont care enough to spend 10 minutes formulating a response, using my own poorly educated assumptions and some hasty, poorly done fact checking. In the ebd I will have formly inserted my foot into my mouth.

no. this anime skipped 2-3 different arcs after golden egg and they are very important though.

Added! Trying to remember too many great games is a pretty good problem to have, all things considered.