
My freshman year of college, I made the mistake of dating a very serious born-again Christian. (I was raised both Catholic and Unitarian Universalist, I'm not sure what he was doing in the relationship either.)

As Jew, I would like to take this moment to say FUCK the Jewish Federation and all their racist buddies. The bigotry spouting from the Zionist nut jobs in this country, Israel, and all over the world is horrifying. People should know about this ugliness and understand that calling it out or criticizing Israel's

On the contrary, inject the shit out of me and make me sterile!

Poor doggy, he's probably wondering why nobody wants to be his new best friend.

There is a real problem with attitudes to teenage and almost teenage girls, when they are obviously a child abuse is considered a terrible crime but get past a certain height or cup size and people assume that she's old beyond her years and any sexual activity is consensual and weren't women married at that age in the

This seems to be the most common reverse misunderstanding:

My only friend who uses an electronic cigarette prefers to say "having the vapors."

As I age, the distance between my knowledge of the existence of a slang word and its entry in the OED grows shorter and shorter.

I'm really glad the DA is taking this case seriously and prosecuting these young men. And I think they should go to prison. However, I am not in favor of prison sentences for 100s of years. 20-30 years? Okay - they can spend the best years of their adult lives in prison. That seems about right. But if there is

Further proof (did we really need any more?) that we live in a society which would rather punish the poor than assist them.

One simple fact that most minority group members are familiar with: they're all bad seeds. Only bad seeds want to become cops in the first place.

Also, I know for certain that other substances were involved with the man who shot his wife, and possibly with the kid that jumped. That's just irresponsible journalism.

Ugh, right. She leaves out the part that the guy who killed his wife was also on a shit-ton of prescription painkillers. His psychosis was likely a result of mixing the wrong things, not reefer madness.

Not against this, but alcohol often is the date rape drug.

My heart hurts. This is horrible.

Permission to get off your lawn first?