
Or that homophobia refers to anti-gay bigotry, not a literal fear of homosexuals.

Because they can't arrest a husband and wife for the same crime!

She’s not as progressive. She’s the 2nd best of the bunch, but why would you go for the 2nd best when you can have the best?

When I lost weight last time (about 40 pounds or so), I would eat as much fiber as possible; most meals would be vegetable and bean/lentil -based and when I would go out for burgers or pizza or whatever, I would make a drink out of psyllium husk, unsweetened Kool Aid and stevia about a half hour before heading out.

That’s another benefit to bongs; even if the weed gets past the filter, it’ll end up in the water, not your lungs/throat.

If she focused on defeating the Republicans instead of sabotaging Medicare 4 All, attacking Bernie Sanders, shilling for Israeli apartheid and cozying up to the blood-soaked dictatorships in the KSA and UAE, we wouldn’t be criticizing her, now would we?

Al Jazeera is not reliable when discussing internal Qatari politics, but it’s an excellent and respected news source, even if it’s funded by a repressive regime.

But he sounds like such a catch!

I've never met anyone attached to their insurance plan. At least nobody who'se ever had to use it.

Don’t fund apartheid. There are plenty of beauty products that don’t put blood on your hands.

Don’t fund apartheid. There are plenty of beauty products that don’t put blood on your hands.

Cite your evidence.

I don’t understand your logic at all. Stigmatizing prostitution hurts those you claim to care about and it’s not as though prostitution is going to be a fad for young women with other options if they no longer have to fear arrest or can go to the police when they’re raped or robbed or beaten.

I don't want anything from her except for her to drop out of the race. We have enough former prosecutor, law-and-order scum in government as it is; the last thing we need is one of them in the WH.

You really think it’s a conspiracy theory that corporate-friendly neoliberals will fight tooth and nail against policies that threaten the interests of capital? Have you ever heard an actual conspiracy theory?

It’s a distraction to talk about a wildly popular policy that’s our best chance at kicking the GOP out of power because if we don’t talk about it, we won’t win enough seats to implement it?

That’s idiotic.

IANAL, but I don’t think Chic Fil A is violating any antidiscrimination laws. As long as they don’t refuse to serve or hire homosexuals (and don’t discriminate against their gay employees), they’re free to donate their profits to whatever cause they want, even if that cause is hate-filled bullshit.

Government insurance programs have lower administrative costs and higher efficiency, meaning they need fewer administrators per patient. The growth of Medicaid would not compensate for the jobs lost. Which is a good thing: high efficiency cuts costs and these jobs never should have existed in the first place. Most

Except that their job is literally killing people.

You can certainly criticize Israeli apartheid without being antisemitic, but you can’t criticize it in any kind of public forum without being accused of antisemitism.