Isn't it a good thing that there's more skin repair agents than hair removal ingredients? I mean it's not as though they're going to cancel each other out and I'd want as much protection from those chemicals as possible
Isn't it a good thing that there's more skin repair agents than hair removal ingredients? I mean it's not as though they're going to cancel each other out and I'd want as much protection from those chemicals as possible
I love how they insinuate that this was a publicity stunt, as if she was courting the 0.1% increase in publicity this garnered her.
Reason 526 Terry Richardson is a terrible person: He always does awkward double thumbs-up in photos.
Am I the only one who wasn't totally charmed by this? Like without the cutesy music the conversations are completely awkward and SO. MANY. went straight for the tongue
I'm going to be the pedantic asshole here:
Do I have to like Iggy just because she's a woman who is succeeding in this male-dominated field? :(
Porn isn't good for quick cash; your value as a new starlet wanes really quickly, and unless you have a good head on your shoulders and invest/save effectively you're not likely to be driving bentley's around. Kayden's written about this several times. I think the problem people have is seeing an intelligent women who…
Cosmic micro-food? Like star plankton?
I think it says more about the fashion industry than anything else that the standard is for women's bodies that are so skeletal that they can be interchanged with mens.
Show usssssssssss! Pleaaaaase
Is it me or is this a hilarious idea?
Is it me or does this title read like one of those side-bar pop-ups?
That was all kinds of awkward/uncomfortable/sad/gross/depressing. (Also did anyone else think miley looked like an awkward pre-pubescent boy grinding up on Madonna?)
Ryan Lewis gtfo
Shooting sperm with a gun insults my pro-life sensibilities. But not having the right to carry a gun to defend myself against rogue sperm insults my pro-NRA sensibilities. I'm at a loss.
You know what this means: "Piranha 3DD - Based on actual events"
This should be called "The 10 Best Christmas Songs, (As sung by Mariah Carey) Ranked"
Maybe that guy was just a dick or is generally a manners freak. Either way, I don't see anything in that altercation that suggests that he was offended by your size.
I really truly dislike this movie. For all of the above reasons, and that it's lame and cheesy and not in a fun way.
How old is she now?? I swear last time I looked she was about 12