Ever so appropriate.
Ever so appropriate.
Okay. But. Where in Syria are these missiles going to land? On more innocent people? Or do we actually have a plan....?
You also get the privilege of looking at my property, so if you don’t like what’s on it, maybe you should move your ass to Canada, eh?
Trump: “You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have trucks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their beds!”
Excited for 2025's “The Pentagon Wars II.”
Why do people join HOAs?
Honest question, I’ve never heard of *any* good reason to be part of one; they just seem like you’re agreeing to give control over what you can and can’t do on your property to the worst bored old-lady busybody stereotypes.
people keep telling me you’re only as old as you act. so i keep acting like i’m 5.
Per the video “all just to save a buck”
“...9mm of supplemental iron.”
And physically pulling you in different directions! How can you not be resisting when 6 people are pulling different parts of you in different directions?
Seriously. Expecting police departments to competently investigate themselves is, at this point, like expecting a unicorn to deliver you money. Truly independent investigation boards need to be the norm, and penalties need to be harsh.
“An investigation by the Evanston Police Department found the use of force justified, but the department has made changes to prevent police takedowns of subjects during an arrest.”
When are we going to start training cops to shut the fuck up and let one officer give the commands? Every time we see a video like this involving more than one or two cops, they’re ALL screaming different, often contradictory commands. It makes it almost impossible to not be “resisting.” Almost as if that’s the point.
Here’s what always gets me. Once the cops find out it’s his own car and that he really wasn’t resisting (but of course they’ll say he was), why would they continue to press charges? That’s such troll behavior.
I think it would be a good idea for all African American to have dash-cams, and maybe interior cams too, in their cars that upload to the Cloud constantly.
If widowmaker farted, could you even smell it?