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eh, I don’t totally agree with that. It had major SHIELD elements and story lines, but it was more about Hydra, which was a Cap adversary more than anything. Plus the Winter Soldier made the fight personal to Rogers, not to SHIELD, so it was still it’s own thing, despite being filled with SHIELD agents. And it really

Cap 2 wasn’t Avengers 1.5, though. People just called it that because a hand full of minor Avengers players were in it, and all of them were actually SHIELD agents, so they were not only necessary to the plot of “SHIELD is Hydra”, but they drove the plot forward while never taking focus off of Cap.

Yeah, I was disappointed when they revealed what Cap 3 was about because I really like the character and just wanted to see him fight his own villains. They balanced the Avenger exposure in Cap 2 so well, only including certain members who helped drive the plot, and even then a lot of people called it Avengers 1.5.

I think WB/DC is just really really bad at creating buzz. And they’re super bad at promotion. The whole line up for the Suicide Squad looks like a bad CW show instead of a feature film, and part of that has to do with the image itself, how it was lit, and how they’re showing the costumes. I mean, it just looks like

It definitely wan’t a plot hole, but it was one of those ‘convenient solutions’ you get when writers get lazy. In this case I would lean more towards there not being enough screen time available to adequately set up the reveal, though.

I’m pretty sure it was a shot of Dr klaw or whoever getting a new hand. But yeah, cut from the film

I guess I wasn’t aware that singer was that involved in first class.

I’m pretty sure it was never meant to be a twist.

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Quit trying to trick me into watching this show io9! Your sudden praise for Falling Skies’ second season is why I started watching that show and we all know how that turned out.

I agree, Singer’s depiction, or rather, that actors depiction of Cyclops really made me not like the character at all. He was a dick, and I should have been rooting for him as the leader of the damn team. Cyclops in the old cartoon was kind of a dick too, but I still liked him because he was, you know, competent.

I haven’t rewatched X-Files in years, but I thought the tonal shift was pretty uncomfortable after they made the first movie. The show was so damn good when it was case by case, not so much when they got super focused on one big story.

I think they’ll find that this is a common feeling, but only after all of these big plans for theme parks, merchandise, and multi film universe building falls apart

Oh man, I hope that was a joke and not you’re actual understanding of how computer graphics are made..

I don’t think Singer was involved in First Class, and I don’t think the new X-Men movies were meant to tie into the old ones originally, it was a flat out reboot. Then Fox brought on Singer for Days of Future and that’s when he connected it with the old trilogy and retconned X-3. If they wanna link Apocolypse up to

My guess is that despite these movies being made domestically, they make significantly more money on the international market. Perhaps they gain something by touting their international sales along side the US opening day weekend numbers or something stupid like that. One thing can be sure, if there is a reason it’s

Be real, it’d be a Titanic prequel, focusing entirely on the origin of the iceberg. Latino Review said it’d be parallel edited with footage of the Titanic being built along side the iceberg slowly forming.

Every time I hear about an Avatar sequel I find that I care less and less about said sequel.

To be fair, Cap was from a different time. People were adults by 18 back in the 40’s, and I don’t mean legally like they mean today. People were emotionally stable, functioning, ready to buy a house and start a family, adults. Tony is an adult when we meet him too, in his late 30’s at least, and Banner is older too.

Never addressed, but that container only gave the samples a 48 hour life span, or something. Since it was lost and buried in mud during a typhoon or whatever, it’s unlikely that it was found before the samples expired.

Hydra had Stephen Strange listed as a potential threat, but that could mean anything really.