idiot that doesn't realize what the actual plot is until the 3rd act
idiot that doesn't realize what the actual plot is until the 3rd act
I think they mostly just cast stunt doubles based on their body frames matching. I remember one of the Jurassic Park extras where the stunt double for Lex looked at camera accidentally, but they liked the take and the acting choice so they just digitally swapped faces for those handful of frames.
we definitely have Rick back.
Really bad cosplay?
so you wanted a chubby star lord then too, right? And Chris Pratt was dumb for getting in shape to fit the role?
why'd I take the time to comment? Uhhh.. Cause this is a forum. You know, where people share opinions and ideas. I'm not telling you not to like them, but they're in no way 'one of the greatest rock bands' to me. You get to have your opinion though, that's how this works.
I didn't say it was lame, I said that's when I said 'fuck these guys'. I didn't like Pearl Jam much to begin with, I had the first couple albums and barely listened to them. They just don't do much for me.
I had their fist album back in the day but never really cared about them beyond that. Then they put out like 100 live albums that one year and finally I said 'fuck these guys'. I think that guy thinks they're a bigger deal than they really are
I think I'm just gonna disappear into the woods and avoid a funeral all together.
It's not all it's cracked up to be. I've been to two, count 'em; two, funerals where that song was played. They were all clapping with the song and bobbing back and forth. Something about it just didn't feel right and I've never been able to hear that song without cringing a little. I was supremely disappointed when…
That Falling Skies promo was terrrrrrrrrible
I try to think about what that would have been like but I guess I can't grasp it, I grew up knowing the reveal, thankyouverymuchthesimpsons, but it still got me hooked on the series.
I am also of the opinion that the songs from the earlier trailers are truly terrible, and I grew up hearing that garbage 80's music until I moved on to garbage 90's music. But music in the oo's... absolute garbage, virtually un-listenable.
I always knew he'd get out of that wheelchair. He just had to believe in himself.
I think it works better when you think of it like a journey, you know, like "what's this crazy guy gonna say next," sort of thing. And I counted EIGHT periods, so really we got a pretty good deal there.
you kids and your nonsense words..
I always though of it as how the arch nemesis finds his hero.
The end in the novel is a lot more definite though, Palahniuk tells you what happens to him. The movie left it more open.
because you miss him now that he's gone?