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Aw come on, really? Cartoon? Animation. And the animation in all of the Marvel films have been what's made that entire franchise possible. Without animation the Planet of the Apes movies would be the Tim Burton fiasco again. No animation no Avatar. You wanted a funky looking guy in prosthetics playing Gollum?

The anti-CG brigade really only wanna bitch because it's Star Wars, the poster boy for overused bad CG. Does anyone complain about Gollum or the Planet of the Apes movies? Does anyone say, 'Avatar was totally fake looking'? CG is an evolving art and people dump on it because a hack director overused it at the peak of

I was gonna bring up Super 8 too, though from what I heard Spielberg played a heavy hand in that movie's development and he's somewhat of a wizard with story.

I don't care what anyone says, if Abrams has one thing going for him it's that he knows how to make a movie look good. Can he write, I dunno. Can he focus a plot, I dunno. Can he direct actors, I guess so? How this movie will look is the least of my worries.

CG is a stain on Star Wars specifically. Even though the prequels are what, 10 years old? CG is so much better now, still overused, but better, and there are numerous examples of fully CG characters that work absolutely perfectly (Gollum, Ceaser). CG in Star Wars is just an easy target.

Jabba was pretty shitty, looked good enough, moved terribly. Yoda mostly worked because he was supposed to be old and frail, but very little expression in either of their faces. Sure there's the 'for their time' argument, and they were very effective, even now I buy Yoda as a character and don't think 'that's a

I'm with you there. It's a lose/lose game either way. I think of the orks from LotR vs the orks from Hobbit as an example too. The costumes and prosthetic were amazing in LotR, but there was no room for real acting or convincing expressions and movements in a lot of cases. The cg orks looked amazingly detailed and

The only TWD surprises I've had have been about how poorly they interpreted the source material or how much they've fucked up characters at every turn. I guess I can't say that surprises me anymore though. Par for the course.

You all know that it's only a matter of time before posts from assholes like this will lead to some human authentication/highly monitored posting process.

I dunno, I'm kind of over Glenn. Maggie is a better character and a 'how she deals with Glenn's death' story would be more interesting than a 'the only happy couple in the zombie apocalypse' story. I liked Glenn better as a runner when they were on the road in the first two seasons. Didn't care for him much during the

Maybe 5 hit 6 after 7 ate 9?

it's a mYsTeRy.. oOoOooooooOooo

I kind of got the impression that was the route they were going, at least that's what they seemed to be setting up once the group was mostly reunited in that train car with the whole 'they don't know who they're messing with' thing.

After the way they interpreted some of the bigger moments of the prison story, I wouldn't be surprised if they messed up the Hunter arc too.

oh my god did i not see that GoT ending coming.

I kind of agree, he did a similar thing with the Governor cutting off Rick's hand like 5 minutes into their meeting, like some act of hyper violence is the only way he knows how to establish that a character is 'bad'. I always felt like the Negan story was just another version of the prison story, only on a bigger

What I wanna know is if it's his younger brother's friend, or if his younger brother is also his friend, but I think you'd just choose one title there unless his being friends with a member of his family is some sort of bragging right for him. Or, maybe 'Younger Brother Friend' is like a euphemism for something, like

well dig in there and whip that joke out!

Oh, it's been ages since I've seen that movie, forgot that was in there.

Which part, your poorly thought out presumptions or the part where you were a dick?