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She doesn't say the plot is the most important thing, she says the plot is like the melody of the song, that is to say, the plot is the thing that binds the story together.

They'll definitely introduce Abraham's crew before this season is out. They announced casting way back before season 4 began and with Band of Brother's Michael Cudlitz playing Abraham, I can't wait.

There was that short scene when that group was driving out to get antibiotics where they picked up a radio transmission, I thought that would have come back up before the mid season but they padded things with those Governor episodes, then the shit hit the fan like right after they all got back so it slipped through

Next season on... The Walking Dead: Zombie Governor raises zombie baby Judith

You tell em Steve Dave!

I think the general public likes sci fi space operas more than you're giving them credit for. They have a good director and Marvel does a good job with this stuff, not to mention the excellent cast so far. Plus, even without that, it's going to lead into Avengers material, so people will show up just for that. At the

That's honestly been my take as well. I'm not against a female doctor in any way, any more than I'm against seeing other female Time Lords in the show. Or having The Doctor's daughter return would be cool. But the idea that The Doctor should be a female simple because a bunch of people think that he should is silly to

He's only like 5 feet too short, and not nearly pale enough


I'm sure it's exciting at first, but really what you're winning is a liability. I know for me, beyond the taxes, to insure that car would probably cost me three times more on insurance than I all ready pay. I'd be excited though, but only because I'd be thinking about how much cash I'd have if I sold it.

Not to mention the spike in insurance to add that thing to her policy. You'd only come out ahead if you sold it.

The only problem with that is that a lot of employers currently offer a 30hr work week as a way to pay less and bypass certain intensives like health care and vacation time and 401k compensation.

I always wanted to see Wolverine act and behave more like a wild beast. Wolverine is more or less an asshole, and Jackman's depiction of him just made the character out to be, I dunno, too kind hearted I guess, weak really. And Jackman is just all clean shaven and not rough looking at all. He's kind of a pretty boy.

The story gets really messy in season 4, they seemed to develop things that didn't fit with what had been laid out in the first 3 seasons and you could really tell that Harmon wasn't involved. There were a lot of stories and moments that felt like impersonations of things that happened before. They're by-and-large

God I hope. But probably not. They had their chance to reinvent the X-men cast and instead brought Singer back and relinked the First Class series with the original trilogy. Maybe the end of Days of Future will show a split in the timeline so they're not tied down to the Singer/Last Stand stuff. But including old

If you want to get technical I'm making fun of the people who objectify the character, not the character.

You either aren't familiar with bra sizes enough to know that "WW" isn't a size or you missed that I was joking

Marvel handles it just fine.

Never read Wonder Woman either. My sarcasm is often subtle to a fault.

DC is fucked, that's all I can say. Unless they plan to reboot stuff in another 5 years I see their continuity getting messy. Mostly because from the announcement of old Batman being in Man of Steel 2 til now, all their rumors and announcements sound like they're just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.