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I'm surprised there isn't a LD burn on youtube somewhere. It's a higher resolution than VHS

VHS's aren't in widescreen though. I've often considered buying the Laser Disc versions, even though I don't own a LD player. It's my understanding that they're the absolute best and closest to original you can get.

I see a lot of American's portrayed as arrogant and cocky in British films and shows too.

It should be pointed out that I was equally optimistic about the Star Trek reboot. So....

There's a pretty good re-edit of the Phantom Menace on youtube that removes a lot of unbearable scenes and also adds in deleted scenes from the DVD release. It surprisingly feels a lot more like the Star Wars everyone loves. I don't think there's any hope for episodes 2 and 3, though. They're just so bad.

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I don't know, those all sounds like fan-rage cliches to me. A lot of the rumors covered here on io9 are just random, darts-thrown-at-a-wall sort of rumors from various sources. There's the same variety of crazy rumors for all the Marvel/DC movies too.

I kind of got the impression with the first two seasons that they weren't entirely sure where they wanted to take their characters. Especially with Bohannon. They'd set up storylines, then set up other storylines that would inhibit the first story, so the first one gets swept away kind of.

Maybe they're revamping the wookie costume? I could see JJ thinking that was okay. But just the same, in the day and age, it's not acceptable to have a semi-main character only be able to show the range of, mouth open, mouth close, weird growl. I could see them slapping on some prosthetics for a revisioned wookie.

None they've let slip yet, but very little has been confirmed either way. So far the only returning elements are the original three characters, probably Chewie too, though it hasn't been confirmed. Most likely the droids we're looking for will return as well. It'll have the same composer as A New Hope, but other than

He's pretty much the main reason I kept watching that show the first two seasons, despite the story constantly tripping over itself. This season has been pretty good so far though.

Put down the burning bra, he's talking about continuity, not control.

I'll bet you didn't expect as many people with burning bras in their hands to respond to your question. I know what you mean by 'let' her watch it, because continuity is pretty important to me to. In a way I didn't 'let' myself see Avengers until I forced myself to sit through Thor, which I really wasn't interested in.

There is NOTHING better than Halloween specials

Is that what kids are calling it these days, their 'entertainment level'?

They massacred Andrea in the tv show. Bad casting and bad writing for her character. It started with her wanting to stay behind when the CDC was gonna blow, but after that she was just so loud and opinionated, always picking people apart for their shortcomings in that bitchy self-righteous tone. Her relationship with

The only thing I liked about Rick losing touch in the show was that a bonding moment between him and Michonne arose. They, of course, didn't do anything too substantial with it yet, but the potential is there. You could argue that Rick accepted her into the group quicker because she related to his issue. But in

Sadly, the show doesn't have the best track record for sticking to the source material. There are tons of examples where they take an idea that was great in the comics but include it in an out of context way on the show where it has less impact, or none whatsoever. Ricks crazy pants phone calls are one example. Tyrese

I wonder if Carl gunning down that younger Woodbury guy last season was supposed to be the TV equivalent. I sure hope not. There was something twisted about the way it happened in the comics, like Carl was hunting him in a way, and with how nonchalantly he handled the repercussions.