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I really want to like humanity, I really, really do. But these guys both sound like a couple of asses who I just don't want to know about.

I'm not familiar with the origins of the 'moon hoax', but did a lot of people give the theory any credence before the hyper-manipulative Fox special? My first question to Moon Hoaxers is a simple one, if Russia and America were in a very heated political conflict, wouldn't they try to prove we faked the moon landings

I've always believed the moon landings happened, but I followed moon hoaxer arguments just so I had a response prepared to debunk them. The best one for me, besides the moon rocks being composed in such a way that it's impossible they originated anywhere besides the moon, was the argument of broadcast footage verses

I feel like that's more so people don't dig through their garbage at night. It's one of those, if people are getting useless games that no one wants to buy for free then they wont make any money off of it. Corporate logic

Oh Brian Ashcraft, you ole internet trouble maker you, always stirring up controversy..

Dude, you sound like a total prick.

Mimas is like the Family Guy of the solar system, always with the pop culture references..

If you're ONLY referring to the original Star War trilogy, I'd agree. But if you factor in the prequel trilogy and the cartoons and the comics and the Extended Universe books, it's a slightly different story. One could argue that LucasArts has done a pretty good job of establishing a little more continuity between all

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Well, it's a take. And one Patton said wasn't being used, which is why he was able to post it maybe. But it's safe to assume they had him do a shorter one, or they'd cut between his points to slim it up.

I'd watch it before NBC forces Patton to remove the video. Since it's a take that they wont be using I think you're safe from spoilers.

It seems the article has been updated since it was originally posted to include the shows title, but didn't the youtube video's title kind of answer that too?

When the first season came out I was kind of turned off by how similar to the American Office it is, what with it being created by the same people and all, but they came into their own in season 2, and like with any show, once you like the characters you overlook some of the stylistic annoyances like shaky cam.

You've never met a comic fanboy? I'd argue both fanbases are equally venomous when it comes to change.

Was I Robot the tipping points for you? Wild Wild West was the beginning of the end for me. Then he went into sequel mode with Men in Black 2 and Bad Boys 2 and I was done.

The Great Depression only affected a couple of generations of Americans. The internet will continue to affect endless generations world-wide. Until the Sun EMPs our ass.

I hope they publish an essay about the Q*bert nightmares they have after passing out.

I'd consider myself a Nintendo fan, I guess, but they sure do have a long line of councils that both introduce revolutionary things to the video game industry while at the same time staying stagnantly stuck two steps behind their competitors. It's really amazing to watch.

Back when I watched anime I couldn't stand the silly lengths that the English dubs went to match the lips, so I preferred the original Japanese tracks. I recently read through the Akira comics so I thought I'd give the movie a watch, the re-release with the new voice actors. They changed dialogue so much, to match the