
Also, can I just point out that he didn't review as much "healthy" food because he was in it to build an audience and make money....but is pissed off at food companies for not making as much healthy food because they want more customers and want to make more money? HE HAS NOT EARNED THIS FLOUNCE.

This seems a bit precious (I mean, you're a YouTube channel, if you don't want to review shitty food, just don't, you don't have to be so FLOUNCY about it), but fine, okay, 90% of food marketed towards children is terrible and it's something people should be upset about. I remember thinking my mother was a cruel

I just want to warn everyone that these aren't "viral" videos in the sense that they have become inexplicably popular on the internet, but viral videos in the sense that if you watch them, a horrible and fatal literal virus will be transmitted into your brain and will kill you.

Whatever, Mr. Dungy.

Cleveland receivers made the same gesture, but only because Johnny Manziel kept throwing the ball way the fuck over their heads.

The tear gas element of the tribute, however, seems a bit too on-the-nose for me.

Do you understand the difference between local news publications and major, national outlets?

It's called "New Black Syndrome", thanks to its discoverer Pharrell Williams. It's when you get some pocket change and all of a sudden life is postracial.

You do realize that the world has become a SAFER place since you were a child? When you probably got some degree of independence that you're denying your child?

Literally everything in the world is trying to kill and dismember your kids.

The fact that I, as a white woman, get lauded for staying at home with my kids and not working is the biggest wake-up call to my privilege. If my skin had any other tint I'd get called all kinds of names.

If this mother stayed home with her child, she'd be blasted for not having a job.

Pizza is a vegetable, though. Nothing liberal about that.

You know, I had this crazy thought.

Well, vegetables ARE a liberal conspiracy, you know.

Lock your kids inside the house so they can sit on their asses and get diabeetus.

Yeah, those protesters looked really armed. As in their arms were up. In the air. Empty-handed.

I would say Missouri's military police is the end result of its white population's obsession with firearms, not because people have so many of them. Because, I can guarantee you there wouldn't be a "militarized" police force if they were going after white guys who openly brandish firearms. Like, the vast majority of

Thats some James Bond villain shit right there.