Better? Those penguins you are showing were so rapey and cannibalistic one of the original researchers tasked with describing them had to omit parts of the study because it was too vulgar and horrific.
Better? Those penguins you are showing were so rapey and cannibalistic one of the original researchers tasked with describing them had to omit parts of the study because it was too vulgar and horrific.
You should have seen all the people I knew saying “both parties are the same” or somehow rationalizing voting for someone besides Clinton as if it made a shits bit of difference. All of a sudden after Trump got elected they all changed their tune and said “what happened?”. This isn’t the first time and won’t even be…
Also, if you are using anything besides cheese wiz you might as well just be eating a cheese sandwich.
Seriously the whole landing thing was on par with the Battletoads unpassable Turbo Tunnel level about halfway through the game. The only difference was it happened on the first level with Top Gun. Brutal.
Omg you win all the stars on the outer rim
Ugh yeah seriously fuck that logical fallacy. It’s this kinda “well both sides are bad” bullshit that got us here in the first place. Both sides did not want to ban Jews from the country. I know neither side did but when you say Jews instead of Muslims it tends to help people understand the point a little better.
I love that it is a trojan horse of terrible economic ideas. You can pass whatever you want as long as you tickle my hatred of Mexicans bone.
“They are going to turn a blind eye” You say that like they ever actually cared in the first place. Kind of like their hatred of government spending. They are cool with government spending as long as it doesn’t benefit brown people.
It’s an insane miss. It would almost take skill just to get it over from that close. You can see the ball skip just a bit before he knocks it in. I can’t for the life of me figure out how he missed so bad. Like OP said I just keep waiting for the ball to go into the net
Gah and that too Jesus reality is getting fucking weird.
A person I knew said Trump’s election felt like 9/11. It didn’t seem hyperbolic :|
You mean between Comey and Russia there is some kind of right-wing conspiracy to take over the world with shitty trickle down policies?
Yup he basically outlines it in one of his books. Make an extreme stance then ask for what you really want. We have yet to see though and with Sessions being picked for AG it’s not looking too good.
Pretty sure we are screwed then. It seems like the anti-immigrant sentiment is winning the day. That is the one thing that comes up over and over again in people’s justification for Trump so I don’t see how the German “left” doesn’t fall victim to this as well. Xenophobia has been normalized and we only have shitty…
From what I have seen of her in documentaries etc. she seems to be a well meaning moron with a super rich dad. I don’t think she agrees with a lot of his more outlandish views but is not in a position or frame of mind to challenge them.
Her being Hispanic has a more than a little bit to do with this come to Jesus moment. I think having nothing to lose leads to a lack of understanding by a lot of those leftists idiots who are not coincidentally white and or male.
Which is funny because it was always about morals and shitty economic policies for those people until it wasn’t. Really everything they stand for is either a giveaway to the rich in the form of helping the “job makers” or a dog whistle policy that barely hides their racism like drug testing for welfare. It was never…
I mean sure you aren’t supposed to wear the flag because it’s supposed to be a revered symbol but we are just gonna pick and choose what we get outraged over and it’s probably going to be brown people’s fault.
I love the flag so much I forgot the part where I wasn’t supposed to wear it
hahaha they don’t give a shit about the deaths. Only convenient excuses to prevent Clinton from becoming president.