
This also reminds me of when people blame her and Obama for pulling out of Iraq even though Bush signed the status of forces agreement which set a timeline for the pullout. I got into an argument about it once and the person basically said Obama should have somehow not followed the agreement made with a sovereign

I think you underestimate the Stockholm Syndrome levels of brain washing these people went through when they were younger. They had parents who hated Hilary Clinton and traded them out for a significant other who thinks the same. They bend over backwards to apologize for Trump saying things like “I get it we all make

Most of North of Central Florida is basically Georgia. In fact you could argue aside from southeast Florida the whole state leans red. Hence all the Republican governors and legislative majority.

Think about the “illegals” though. At least that’s what seems to inspire the female Trump supporters that I know. That and their significant others...

I beat the campaign this weekend. It didn’t take long at all on normal and I usually take forever to beat games. Started in the afternoon and was done by night. That being said the campaign was short but amazing. The last Titanfall had massive discounts a few months after release and I don’t expect this one to be any

I didn’t hear a peep from any of these people during the midterms.

I can’t understand what kinda of maniac would need one of these to order Slim Jims but at the same time it seems totally reasonable for Haribo Gummi Bears.

I can’t understand what kinda of maniac would need one of these to order Slim Jims but at the same time it seems

Check out “Stone Mountain” on youtube. He has a bunch of clips with him doing military jargon and it is hilarious.

It’s also a great way to distract people from TPS. (Tiny Penis Syndrome)

Makes sense that his complexion has chunky soup consistency.

Yeah I am also in the grey. Would be nice to get out.

Open carry only applies to a select portion of society.

Not to mention North Carolina is an open carry state. That only applies to certain folks though.

Now there’s a game I haven’t played in a while!

Don’t count on it. Nothing else has seemed to matter yet. Not trying to seem pessimistic but Trump seems scandal proof at this point. It doesn’t make him any more popular but you can bet your ass short of murdering a puppy on live TV his supporters aren’t going to give a fuck what he is guilty of.

She is going to run for governor? Please tell me this is a joke.

How are the taxes closing the shops? Just curious.

I guarantee you these are the same people who say “If they say the N-word why can’t we say it?”

No discount for digital... Why even bother. You would have to pay me extra to put that disc in the machine. #fwp

No discount for digital... Why even bother. You would have to pay me extra to put that disc in the machine. #fwp

The voters in my head. They all voted for Bernie.