Deadspin style guide for its “analysts”:
Deadspin style guide for its “analysts”:
What are you talking about? Burneko is the hindsight king. Asking him to do anything other than piss all over everybody’s failures (via X-TREME METAPHORS!!), in an obvious attempt to cloak his own limited knowledge, would be like asking Okafor to shoot threes.
I see. So Sam Mitchell has won 10 more games than Byron Scott with a much better roster, but he’s good and Byron Scott is terrible. And when Byron Scott benches and criticizes his young players he’s “putting them down,” but when Mitchell does it he’s “simply explaining the reality of the remedial work” that the…
I’m an insane person, who needs control over my significant other’s every movement to keep my objectively unreasonable neuroses at bay. Fortunately, these apps force the loved one in my life to completely subject himself to my crazy behavior and thereby allow me to dodge all accountability for it! A hearty…
I see some inconsistency here between your laissez faire approach to college athletes and your pant-wetting paternalism regarding daily fantasy. I agree that prioritizing eligibility, at the expense of education, is in the best interest of athletes whose skills are marketable beyond college. But it’s less clear that…
They gang raped her after, but still a credible performance all things considered.
This post is excellent. Look no further for an explanation as to why de-criminalization of marijuana, which is an absolute no-brainer for the state when you contrast the revenue created by legalization against the costs involved with continued illegality, is so slow to be embraced nationally. The template for expanded…
Kudos to Deadspin and its pantwetting DFS commentary for its part in this asinine result.
NO! Men’s players should have to give birth as well. True equality is not possible otherwise.
“Maybe the solution is to have more diversity in the members. But does that mean we are saying that to have more black academy members would result in more black nominations? Is that not racist itself?”
Where do you get “a bunch of players” from the article you cited? How do you know Williams wasn’t the source for the article?
Too bad for Chris Sale he doesn't have the benefit of your counsel.
Didn’t Deadspin do a story taking down ESPN for perpetuating its own rumors in order to create endless bullshit content? Do you see any parallels between that and your linking to your own speculation like its a citation of fact?
How do you know what the situation is? Its fascinating to me that you feel comfortable commenting on locker room dynamics that you know nothing about other than what's put out publicly. I get that Deadspin understands baseball better than the people who actually play and manage it based on your half-assed…
I dislike inconsiderate drivers and like to see them get their comeuppance, up to and including perishing in a fiery inferno of twisted steel and glass, but the slow driver was out of line here. Driving too slow in the left lane is almost as inconsiderate as tailgating, maybe moreso, because the slow driver is…
/stares with a furrowed brow and nods head in concern.
Definitely do not wonder aloud whether educated, financially well-off, raised-by-families-who-love-them black people have less of a gripe with systemic racism than black people raised in poor, crime-ridden surroundings.
That really was a hoot!
If Bryce Harper wants to get this baseball thing happening, he should pay attention to Tom Ley.
Too bad too. Prior to this, Melo really had the good vibes flowing in NYC.