
Were the 113 cases, 9 reported, all against football players? If that’s the entire student population, to me that reflects that FSU does a horrible job in general, not that players receive special treatment. Also is FSU unique in not reporting off campus assaults?My guess would be that everybody does it.

“It’s instructive not only that this non-story has somehow endured through today, but how.”

I used to drink Guinness exclusively before ditching it for more interesting, and heavier abv, craft beers. However, now that I have a wife and baby, I have come back to Guinness pints as a way to keep drinking beer all night without ending up all slurry and sloppy and teetering dangerously when I pick up my infant,

This post really checks all the boxes for Deadspin’s pant-wetting coverage of daily fantasy: it’s lazy, conjectural and condescending all tied together with a patronizing mea culpa (hey daily fantasy morons, we here at Deadspin are only concerned with protecting you from nefarious forces you can’t understand. Trust

11/9/15 Deadspin editorial meeting:

Are they going to ban the stock market as well?

Just imagine how good they could be if they had a manager who possessed the Deadspin staff’s half-assed understanding of sabermetrics.

When I was in college, our fraternity house was supposedly haunted by the ghost of the former cook who killed himself in one of the rooms. One of my friends came back from a spring break hiking trip early and stayed in the house alone, which was crazy because it was an old house from the late 1800s and spooky as hell,

The first play wasn’t scored an error, but it was either scored a wild pitch or a passed ball. The second play, nobody scored. And trying to blame the Murphy run on Rizzo is crazy. Murphy was going to score there, and getting the second out of the inning took Rizzo about 6 inches out of his way. If he had come

Nothing worse than an ostensibly sports-focused journalist, pushing their half-assed, ideology-driven, views on politics and the economy.

And your blog largely appears to be cut and pasted from newspaper articles and other blogs. What’s the problem?

I disagree that the boos equate to sentiment that the Yankees should have dealt their young guys at the trade deadline. Most Yankee fans would acknowledge that the team needs to get younger and would even acknowledge that this team has overachieved. I dislike the Yankees in the same way I dislike investment banks and

So, I decided to get to the bottom of this daily fantasy football craze. I deposited $20 on one of those sites that you see a lot of ads for, (they have a lot of ads!) and played two of their tournaments. The ads show people with big checks for a million dollars, but I only won like $7. So uh, anyway, it sucks.


I’ve been rooting for the Mets for a while, because I like teams that illustrate that all the self-assured pronouncements from the Deadspin staff are just another brand of know-nothing blowhardism.

Sports related joke relevant to this post: The difference between a woman’s g-spot and a Titleist pro VI? I’ll spend 10 minutes looking for the Titleist.

Oh my heavens, scary gambling on the internet!! Deadspin better get its chief pearl clutcher, Tim Burke, on the case pronto!

No, I’m not saying that.

I am a big HST fan, and was really just being a smartalleck. His suicide obviously doesn’t blunt the impact of his writing, which was genius. But killing yourself on the phone while your still loving wife listens is pretty shabby. In that context, a life lessons column just struck me as ironic.

He did end up blowing his brains out while on the phone with his estranged wife, so grain of salt with this.