
THE STORY, repeated:

Ok, so let me see if we can get some clear rules.

I agree, the whole point of this complaint was to showboat their moral superiority. Of which there is none.

The person who wrote this is a moron with too much time and no sense of proportion or common sense. Nobody complained to her about the cultural insensitivity of practicing yoga. Nobody. She made that up to be able to piss on the yoga instructor in feigned moral superiority. Some people just really enjoy ruining things

I learned from Neil Degrasse Tyson's version of "Cosmos" that the word algebra has Middle Eastern roots. Surprised they don't yoink that from the curriculum...

Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.

My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.

why do we treat other people with so much damn disrespect?

Worst of all? This was the text:

Text message: the new Post-It?

Somewhere in America:

I saw the movie and read the book when I was 12. My older sister exposed me to it. Soon after, I was playing scrabble with my father, and I laid down c-u-n-t. My dad was like, “WHAT?” I said, “It’s totally a word.” My dad says, “I know it’s a word, why don’t you look it up in the dictionary?” “If we agree it’s a word,

She’s a single mother because she’s divorcing your revolting, child-molesting ass, Jared. Even if you didn’t see a day behind bars.

Oh thank God he’s only attracted to 14 yo’s instead of 5 yo’s! Are you kidding me? I know some 14 yo girls, they look like children playing dress-up. They believe too easily, they’re terribly immature.

“Like many young men, he got a little too curious about sexual assault. Please pray for our family as we continue to trust in God’s plan.”

That’s a fib!, I just got my STI checkup last week, I tested negative for everything. Doctor even said that I show signs of never getting laid.

The point is that the person in the video/photo does not identify as man or woman, neither masculine or feminine, so the fact that they are showing both masculine features (stubble) and feminine features (make up, dresses) is in line what the “vibe” they are going for. They aren’t going for a female vibe as you have

Uh, they aren’t? That’s sort of the point?

Vaginal intercourse is absolutely a high risk route of infection. I’m kind of shocked anyone still thinks this isn’t a near surefire way to get HIV.

“In and around this perplexing time, I dazedly chose or hired the companionship of unsavory and insipid types. Regardless of their saltless reputations, I always led with condoms and honesty when it came to my condition. Sadly my truth soon became their treason, as a deluge of blackmail and extortion took center stage