Nah, if it HAD been, it would’ve been called the “Wicked Pissah Bible”! Here, I’ve started on the 10 Commandments:
Was the “Wicked Bible” written by some guy from Boston?
“I hesitate to mention another reason I like tipping. I like to make a difference, not just to be a bit of a big shot or be noticed or appreciated, but to give some of what I make to those who make less. I’m not flipping silver dollars into the air or hurling twenties around with abandon, but I am a healthy tipper…
“I have a God complex, but was too lazy too take the typical medical school route. So instead I inflict it on unsuspecting wait staff making $2.13/hr.”
Couldn’t someone also argue that a waiter who relies on tips would want you to eat and gtfo so they could move on to the next table/tip? A salaried waiter would not rush you along because they have no reason to want you to leave. Unless you are abrasive like this guy.
Yes...but the formality of performance reviews, and the implicit assumption that once you’re given a raise you’re not going to slack off implies respect for you as a professional and a person.
Really, this is the only headline you ever need for Richard Cohen, until the day he finally shuffles off this mortal coil.
I agree. Why should this logic apply only to waiters? I want exceptional service from the teller at the bank, the butcher at the deli, the guy who changes the oil in my car, etc. I just have no obligation to tip them because they make minimum wage.
“I like to make a difference, not just to be a bit of a big shot or be noticed or appreciated, but to give some of what I make to those who make less.”
Doesn’t this op-ed basically go against your policy of no poop/vomit stories? Because Cohen’s pretentious “Occasionally I like to punish” word salad was basically poop and vomit.
“He has an incentive to give me exceptional service, not some mediocre minimum”
My dad makes me crazy with this shit. Since my niece started crawling, he is always saying, “That’s not very ladylike,” but he never says shit remotely like that to my nephew. She once threw a block at someone’s head, and he told her that ladies didn’t do that. I told him that anyone who wants to escape a life in…
I might suggest noticing moments when she is being kind to others and praise or reward her for it, and be specific “That was really nice of you to share your toys with Suzy.” Same thing for standing up for herself, like “That was really good how you told people you wanted to do whatever, but didn’t yell about it and…
When my kid is acting out, I literally put baby in the corner.
I’m struggling a bit now with how to get Lil CatChick to be courteous and respectful (her 10 yr old attitude is ON POINT) without at all squelching her ability to stand up for herself, speak her mind, or argue her case. I had none of these skills growing up and I still suffer from it in my 40s. In fact, I’d rather her…
This is horrible and ridiculous, but I feel I should point out (as someone who grew up in the south) that usually the word “ugly” in this context just means that one’s attitude/behavior is bad. Ugly on the inside, not the outside.
Jesus..13 years oldx, and she had the presence of mind to say, this isn’t right...and she died for it. I sometimes wonder if I had reacted differently in my life, like a time I MAde out with this stranger heavily on a bus then had a moment of clarity, in public, whhere I went, nope, I’m going home alone. Or when I got…