
This would be my choice as well. I love to get lost in the rhythm and beauty of Wolfe's expression.

I'm afraid someone would have to drug me and bind me to make me watch these movies. The Hobbit is one of the beloved reads of my life — no way I'm letting Petey ruin any of my possible future encounters with the text.

This is the edition I've had twice. I gave my first set a way — to a girl I was trying to impress, I think.

Hmm. I was raised Catholic and everything. I just found the film unconvincing. <shrug>

Yes. The original Exorcist film was one of the most hilarious "horror" films I have ever seen. I do not comprehend why it has such a sterling rep as a "scary" film.

Non-user-programmable graphical user interfaces, like Windows and MacOS. Took ten years to get apps with macros. Very frustrating. I preferred C/PM and DOS.

I *just happened* to stream the first two eps of JLU followed by four episodes from Batman: TAS last night. I'll tender that as my vote.

I totally gave up on these films after I saw the second one . . . and I'm a 57-year old man whose home office walls are covered with Transformers and Microman toys hanging from nails. . .

Turu the Terrible, from Jonny Quest? Seems like an oversight.

Did I miss Karl Edward Wagner's tales of Kane the Mystic Swordsman?

Definitely not masculine enough.

I thought of the government care nightmare depicted in Haldeman's The Forever War when I read the title of your article.

Will they ever raise electric sheep on these urban roofs?