also any time someone asks me for book recs i basically forget every book i ever read and sound like a complete fucking moron
also any time someone asks me for book recs i basically forget every book i ever read and sound like a complete fucking moron
Imagine being lonely. Not 'no dates for a year' kind of lonely. No, we're talking no physical human contact for days on end, with only a voice on the phone for company. Then, things start to get tense. Trust erodes. What would that do you? Firewatch aims to find out.
In fairness to Sarkisian, most people use the F-word when they break a Trojan.
Somewhere there's a hot sports take being written about Mankins' selfishness hurting the team. For some reason "a contract is a contract" only when a player is holding out, not when a team demands you take a pay cut or take a walk.
I just wanted to share with you all some extremely awesome and positive things that have happened to me recently. I know I've shared a fair number of negative or frustrating things, but this time, it's the awesomesauce that I'm bringing to this table.
As long as there's no "Makin' Bacon Naked" show...cuz uh, from my own experience...this is not a good idea.
And have the police considered dressing up like ghosts and scaring the protesters away?
Wait what? I don't remember that.
As someone who's been on the other side of this situation, let this guy know where you both stand as soon as possible. The longer you drag this out, the worse it's going to be. At least you have the opportunity to remain friends right now before things go to a point where it'll be impossible to come back from. Just…
Have you tried online dating? I feel like people always say that, but if it's something you haven't tried before, you might consider a free site like OkCupid. There are plenty of horror stories, but a majority of people on there seem to be more or less decent. My best friend met her boyfriend on there and is going to…
Having a boy is equally mortifying. He informed the the other day that his balls are getting bigger. Cool story, bro!
BOOM! I'm making a human, y'all! Found out yesterday it's a girl, and all her measurements are right on track for 27 weeks. I was hoping for a boy first, but I'm seriously relieved that I no longer have to have the argument over whether or not "Angus" is a good name. It's not.
Oh lordy. That's how basically 90% of my OKC messages looked. I did go on a date with one guy that was meh and then gave him a second date before saying, "yeah,not working." He was boring and very traditional and not a a great listener but not a creep. The next date I went on was with my fiance who sent me…
Ugh, I'm already so sick of the greys :(
I did it!!!!
Interesting. Got any other facts that are irrelevant to my point?
"it's your fault" —Dr. Sean McGuire
Here's little bit of cheerful, charming news out of Colorado: A bunch of SWAT team members took the time to suit…
Austin Collie used to give similar interviews to the beat writers in Indianapolis, except his stock answer was, "Who am I? Why are you asking me these questions?"
I'm just going to leave this here.....