
Online dating: Ok, so I made a "fake" OKCupid account (only fake location, well I'm going to spend 4 months there soon), just to see what the whole thing is about. I made the profile, answered questions, uploaded pics and all of that. I got like 50 likes but only one message though. Which is OK, I wouldn't answer

download Hola ( or the Hola extension for Chrome, thank me later

Really? Aren't generics usually the same but have 80 - 120% of the active substance? Or is this different from country to country, I think this is what I learned for Switzerland.

Ok so I've never done this before (catcalling I mean) but I've been talkin about it with my best friend and she explained it to me this way: "Every woman is insecure about her appearance and when someone yells "Nice ass" or something like that it's making us insecure [not to mention that it's majorly disrespectful]".

can someone combine this with mario kart sound?

I love Chris Traegers (P&R) response to the way testicles look when Anne tells him there was something disturbing about the way the testicles in a dic pic looked: "I've always felt the same way. Testicles are like the ears of the genitals. They serve an important function but they are not that great to look at".

Waaaaaay to late I guess but I'll try. I was in a pretty messed up relationship. She hurt me. The story is long and I've written it down once or twice on here these past weeks. Anyways, before it ended I bought her a present. It's a book, a childhood favorite of hers in a beautiful version. I thought it might cheer

Isn't this normal? The actresses I'm attracted to all play characters I had an attraction to. I don't think I'd think about Kristen Bell twice if she hadn't played the most badass highschool girl ever (Veronica Mars)!

Sure! Or you can look at it the glass half full way... You could go to college and get your masters. Then you could marry and have a child. Then have to flee a war torn country with very little money and a sick child. Live in a one room apartement without its own kitchen or bath or toilet, while one of you works two

I don't know, it's silly but it could make a funny gift for someone (with your face, their face or both, whatever)

You are gorgeous. Also you look like one of the Charmed characters*.

Is anecdotal evidence ok?

I feel your pain!


Thanks! Good luck with your surgery!

MILF fetish?

When I was 17 I had a heart surgery. While waking up after the surgery my mom sat next to me the whole time (most of this story was told to me by my mom). I'm generally a shy guy but when I'm high or drunk I tend to talk a lot and apparently I get very charming. (according to my female friends). Anyways, my nurse was

After I've been dumped by the one girl I ever loved I wanted so badly to move on by having some casual sex or find another woman to love. Everytime I tried something (making out with someone or even just chatting up a girl at some club or party) I just couldn't go further because I kept thinking about the one that