Jewel Staite is beatiful! Congrats
Jewel Staite is beatiful! Congrats
Do people ever compare you to anybody?
Am I the only one who thinks this is a huge dick move on LeBron's end? He kinda forced Wade, Bosh and Haslem to opt out, thinking Miami is going to reload. Now that he want max money he ties Riley's hands.There is no way someone gives up the same salary to Wade or Haslem that they would've earnd had they opted in.
Cool. I live in Switzerland. Woman get 14 weeks at 80% pay. Us dads, sadly don't get anything (at least not regulated by law).
With much much cleaner water too.
50??? Holy crap. Good for Canadian women!
Yeah but... but... trickle down!
See I like the US. I want to go to there, as Liz Lemon would say. I wanted to live in the US since I was 12. But only because I know, I'm going to have a high paying job once I get there. Otherwise I would stay in this socialist hellhole (Switzerland). The governement here has the odacity to take part of our paycheck…
I like your second point. When you watch a boring soccer game, it is really boring. Just a bunch of guys running around the middle of the field. When you watch a boring NBA game between two bad teams, you get to at least enjoy some dunks. When you watch a boring football (NFL), there are at least some painful looking…
The caption is just perfect!
Nope girls usually reach their peak hight at around 15/16. But the speed of growth slows down after you reach puberty (i.e. first period).
Very personal question: Do your periods still coincide with trips to water parks and other aquatic destinations?
Hm.... now that I think about it, maybe your GF family has some other mutation (I'm just a med student, others now more about this). Because you can't be a carrier for an autosomal dominant disease. You either have it or you don't. There are three different mutations that cause Marfan though. (that I know of). Maybe…
1/3? How is that possible... Usually autosomal dominant disorders are 50%.
So did your friend ever wonder how she got it? Repetitive movement can be a cause, you konw? *wink wink*
I think the croatian players said the ref in the world cup opener didn't speak english.