Kaley Cuoco getting a boobjob was a secret?
I know, I know... That's what everybody tells me / told me. And I'm well aware this is the only option... Unless I try some Ted Mosby-esque romantic gesture down the line :-). Knowing myself, I will most definitly. I am (hopefully a less obnoxious) Ted Mosby. Worked out for him in the end...
I need feel-good stories about couples that got back to together and stayed happy!
The hospital I study at has a group consisting of pediatricians, pediatric gynecologists, forensic pediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers who deal with child abuse.
I just had a lecture about child protection yesterday. It was a disgusting lecture. The pictures shown and stories told... I wanted to kill those parents. I'm (hopefully) a future pediatrician and am not sure if I could emotionally survive these situations.
Why would he and his agent sign such a deal? I don't understand how MLB contracts work. Will he get the money anyway, even if he gets injured? That's the only reason I see to sign a contract when you're one of the best players in the league and are about to be a free agent at 23/24.
Why would a movie star (is this what he does?) buy drugs himself. Have the bodyguard go there by himself...
Well, Batman was 26 when they got married. Don't know how much she helped there :-)
yep, never thought I'd miss the greys
It's the NBAs fault. What's the purpose of the one year that they take off? Let them spend it in the D-League if they aren't ready to compete in the NBA.
I think he's pissed
I think I love you!
Holy crap! That guy is huge!
Yep, especially if you give him the 5 best linemen in the league. Give me 5 seconds to throw... and I would still shit my pants, still maybe I can get one or two passes to Graham before Chancellor crushes every bone in my body.
Mrs. Myers:
That's how I read it!
Isn't it time for SSO?
What about D.Rose or Oden?