
They’re only filing takedowns for video/stream content that contains Firewatch or any of their other products; it’s much the same as filing a takedown over someone using other copyrighted material in a stream, like a song, or a video clip, or something similar.

While I’m not fully versed in copyright law, I do know

Devil’s Third is the Daikatana of the current generation.

Fucking moron.

I hope we all see the irony in someone winning a “For Honor” competition in a strikingly dishonorable fashion. Not just the exploit but that after winning he shot off a “wow this was so easy, I didn’t even practice,” line. Honestly I’m half inclined to think it was intentional.

I wonder if they skipped out on the Switch so they can sell them piecemeal once the virtual console finally rolls out...

Wasn’t my intention. It was just 2 thoughts put together in a non sequitur. I can see how if pulls off the “holier than thou” aura though.

Or it can mean “none of your damn business,”

Often when no cause is listed it can mean suicide. :(

:( I know there will be a lot of people wondering about the new game’s status after this. I just wish his family and friends well through this tough time.

MMA fans are desperate that their latest, greatest hope for legitimacy is about to get his ass kicked by an old boxer.

I can’t wait to never be able to get one ever

Now playing

I have to dispute the prior low-blows comment. In the previous (round 7) round, Kovalev takes a left hook to the body (legal) and doubles over. Either he’s in legitimate pain, or he’s milking it for a respite. Then, later in round 7 Ward lands a nice 6-7 combination that was on the beltline that again doubles Kovalev

So one shot to the marbles from one of the best boxers in the world isnt enough?

Is this a serious question? If a fighter is hurt to the body, you look to finish to the body.

No, rambling is writing a four thousand word article because you lost a bet.

I can’t believe people were talking about how Weeks should have started a 10 count because Kov was on the ropes. Motherfuckers, he was on the ropes AFTER the fight because Ward took his soul. Kov was bent over, not defending himself, and looked hurt. Weeks had no choice. Kov brought this on himself and he tried to

Now playing

This is a very disrespectful article undermining Ward’s hard-fought victory. These are not low blows.

Not only that. But if your dick is right under your waist, where most low blows land, then you’ve got other issues. Point being, very rarely does a boxer actually get hit in the nuts AND actually feel the consequences of it. I’ve been in a ton of fights and sparring sessions and been hit under the belt...Only 1 out of

I completely appreciate that a low blow is technically defined as blow below belt line (although I know some refs take a more conservative take and count anything below the navel as a low blow)...but this is the problem with low blows in boxing...especially if you are going to argue that it’s a true shot to the nuts

No Aquaman? Seems like a missed opportunity.