
You’re weird.

I’m all like “I need to hide this shit when people come to my place”

Original G.I. Joes were about 12 inches in height. Guess you aren’t old enough to have experienced them like some of us. I remember many a Joe who died bravely when I was a youth, by my hands.

I wondered how Star Trek TNG qualified. That really clears it up.

He would have tweeted something about it within the first seventy-two hours.

Damn why do I have to be grey still and this troll does not? I am full of insights!!!

Kotaku has never broken a Bethesda embargo. We were blacklisted for reporting on information that was leaked to us, not information that was under embargo. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about, so why even comment?

That is some real ‘logic’ you have there. Back to the greys with you, troll.

I’ve been using the Wii U pad stand (not the charging one), works great!

it will format.

Does this address overall slugishness for the dashboard? Something happend to the dashboard a few months ago and just about every operation takes 5-15 seconds to do anything now... It’s pretty bad.

Male here, full disclosure, isn’t that the entire point? That if they STILL WANT to show off their bodies (just quoting you, those caps aren’t meant to be aggressive) then they should be able to do so free of any consequences, disapproving statements (such as yours), or the expectation that that is what they should


You could make this list 100 games long and still be leaving good games off.

I feel like my immediate question will open up a can of worms but here goes nothing.

PLEASE KEEP YOUR HAPPINESS TO A MINIMUM. Some of us are trying to be miserable.

I would sarcastically say he’s fun at parties, but that would require him to be invited to them.

Thank god the fun police showed up. Honestly, what’s the point of your comment? Just wanted to rain on someone’s parade?

Come talk to me when you’re dealing with 26mm. I can’t stand it when 28mm people think they’re hot shit.

That’s the flaw with the “infinite monkeys” philosophy. You could put me in a room with all of the materials necessary to reproduce this piece, and give me infinite time, and I would never be able to produce anything this beautiful. Hell, I’d probably end up accidentally impaling myself on a paintbrush within the