
What are Kirby and Pikachu doing to the rear of Donkey Kong? I can’t tell, but it doesn’t seem like he disapproves....

I’m old and easily entertained. But, having read that Ms. Robbie has now responded to the underlying VF article, I had to come back and read this.

I only added the “as far as you know” because I’m too damn lazy to actually stand and clap. But, I was doing so spiritually :) (The spirit doesn’t have near the laziness that the ass does....)

As far as you know, I’m standing and clapping in my office after reading that post.

You forgot the current-gen Resident Evil 5 release of 6/28 on XB1 and PS4.

There are plots in modern songs? You are good!

You called it.

I’d wager money it’s the same dude....

Ah, periods and commas. I remember ye well....

But, in the very act of speaking English, even AAVE version, aren’t black people appropriating white culture? How about when they vote? They surely took that from Greek and Roman cultures. How about when black people wear blue/green contact lenses? Or straighten their hair? Aren’t they appropriating white culture?

For old fogies like me, it’s a great return to gaming’s “Glory Days”! I played A LOT of Doom I and II (and Duke and MechWarrior) back in college and law school and have very fond memories of having my 2600 baud modem call my buddy’s PC and jammin’ into the wee hours. Much of that fun can be found within the first half

License or not, names or not, logos or not, use of the likenesses of the actors is illegal. You can’t make a Tom Cruise figure and call it “James Smith” or whatever.

While I agree with you, Mike, I do not do so completely. Here’s why: You should be playing with the Logitech wireless controller! Best PS1/PS2 controller made!

While the sales of the Dreamcast get a bum-rap (because they were, comparatively, low), I am of the opinion that the Saturn killed SEGA; not the Dreamcast. Everything from the rushed release to the complex coding put a horrible taste in both consumers and developers. (I loved the Saturn, but that love is not blind to

Meh, I’m obviously in the minority in that I like this movie. I thought Affleck did a good job; as did all of the other characters - hero and villain alike.

I’d have to disagree; but I’ll be more respectful :)

Looks great, Nintendo!!

Shit! Did I type that?!?

I’m of the opinion that Sony is screwing up in the post-victory lap on the magnitude that MS screwed up in the pre-fight. All of Sony’s recent actions reek of pro-corporate and not pro-consumer. As it blew up in MS’s face, I’m thinking this will blow up in Sony’s.

So, George R.R. Martin likes snacks. No surprise here.....