
So, perma-death or slavery...

You’re certainly entitled to post your uninformed, uneducated opinion for all to see. Me? I HATE sushi! Hate that shit! It tastes terrible! It should never be eaten by anyone under any circumstances! For the record, the opinion on sushi was formed after 44 years of never, not once, eating sushi.

So, perhaps someone who has never run a raid should refrain from providing input on that which he has never run.

How does the shitty Black Ops 2 make the list while the excellent Black Ops 1 does not?

I did it tonight for the first time, as well! Got the Trials handcannon with Void. Wanted the scout.....

Truly one of the dumbest fucking things I've read in quite some time. Kudos to you, sir! Your idiocy has trumped many other idiots!

You're a special kind of stupid.....

It's only a member of 215 groups now! You guys caused it to become sheltered and scared of the outside world! Shame.....

Too bad that all men are not truly created equally. This preoccupation saps the wallets and confidence of too many guys.

Great article, Kirk!

My Titan proudly rocks that helmet! Looks bad-ass, IMO.

I like the way that, after taking a knife to each hand and nearly one to the face, the assistant is all like "Show's over! Peace out, bitches!"

My kids and I loved Mr. Peabody and Sherman! Saw it in the theaters twice and they watch the Bluray weekly.

Hats off to the person who figured this out. Now that I've seen it done, I say: Who cares? It's a neat novelty, but the repetition and monotony of it don't equal the pay off, IMO.

I agree with all except the Turtles. I, for one, really liked the Turtles movie and redesign. I thought it was a great throwback to the original movie and 'toon and the design was fresh and modern.

I agree with this article. FC2 was the only FC I played that I couldn't stop playing.

I will be voting with my dollars and skipping on the New 3DS XL. I just have no interest in that behemoth.

An asinine policy, to be sure.

I'd rather they: (1) Bring the Vault of Glass gear/weapons back into relevance by making them, say, AT LEAST equal in stats to the run-of-the-mill crap you can now buy from vendors in the Tower; (2) Fix the "reward" system. If I'm playing Control and finish with a 2.5 KDR, shouldn't I get at least as much of a reward

That's exactly right. And, it's right outside the scope of the Empire's reach. So, "right under your nose" is shown once again to be a great hiding spot....