
I've always been shocked that someone actually submitted that shit to Capcom for consideration as a cover for the game. And, then, shocked even worse that Capcom (or perhaps the heavy-handed Nintendo of that day) chose said shit as their cover.

I thought "The Edge of Tomorrow" was fantastic! Great action and effects, interesting story, and, surprisingly, quite funny at times. (And, this from an anti-Tom Cruise kinda guy...)

I slapped a 2TB drive in my white PS4! Stupidly easy and, unlike MS, Sony doesn't consider such action warranty-voiding.

That bustin' of a move, promptly followed by the bustin' of a cap in dat ass was AWESOME!

Sad that two top-level athletes both fight like little girls....

I, for one, would unleash my Hezen Vengence on that fucking Ghost projecting his "song", followed by 3 rounds from the Golden Gun......

I've tried some of the cheaper solutions and was not happy. I know of the little box you're speaking of, but have never tried it.

"Sack dance".......

Look at those brows. You can never trust anyone with brows like that!

Diablo 3 and the new Dragon Age launched perfectly well, I'd say. Other than that, I agree.

With a quarter of a million people over such a large space, doesn't it cease being a "LAN" and become a "WAN"?

Quite true, my friend. I do, however, enjoy killing each and every sucka you listed...

I forget: Can Japanese games play on US PS4's?

Oh, you bastards! My wallet curses you, Nintendo!!


I don't understand what the big deal is. I need to shave. I play AC. I get extra AC for buying something I was going to buy any way. Win, win.

I noticed that, as well. Of course, they are still far ahead of the competition. I think that the change should not have occurred. So they had a lower sell-through. Who cares? Changing the standard will be seen as weakness by the competition. Should have left it as it was....

What difference does that make? PS4 is wiping the floor with the XB1 and that is a fact. Your approval or disapproval of that fact

As Xbox has had, and continues to have, a corner on all this Call of Duty DLC, the crocodile tears humor me.