Nice Price. I'm thinking about this in terms of hybrids. I'd take one LS1 M3 over two Prius death traps any day.
Nice Price. I'm thinking about this in terms of hybrids. I'd take one LS1 M3 over two Prius death traps any day.
I was 16 and had just gotten my 5 speed 2.5Rs. Compared to most of my friend's Cavaliers, Celebrity's and assorted Buicks, this was a supercar. Obviously we needed to test it out on a road called Audubon Drive (aka the Autobahn to us - the irony wasn't lost to us even then). Well, most of my friends would floor it…
I'm surprised that there aren't any XJ Cherokees on this list, if electrical items aren't considered trouble. Those tanks will run forever with the 4.0L and the AX-15 5-spd. The automatics, not so much.
Total Crack Pipe. But maybe this should be under the how not to get screwed on Ebay Motors post. The seller of this thing joined ebay last week, has no feedback, and is selling other crazy high priced cars