Thank you. This is the correct answer. I don’t care what the market is doing, I invest every paycheck. If it corrects (and it will) I will keep investing every paycheck. I might just invest more.
Thank you. This is the correct answer. I don’t care what the market is doing, I invest every paycheck. If it corrects (and it will) I will keep investing every paycheck. I might just invest more.
Nailed it. I’ve spent zero of my life worrying about what someone else has and comparing myself in relation to them and most of it spending wisely, planning and saving. Now-a-days everyone wants instant gratification (credit cards) and don’t want to worry about the consequences. Then they want to piss and moan about…
Exactly. People are WAY to worried about how much their neighbor makes and why they don’t “get” that much.
90% of “rich” people work their way there by doing “rich people stuff”. Investing EVERY paycheck. Living below their means. Staying out of debt. Bettering themselves to increase their value in the job market and…
Can you guys just go full bore and get a ‘POLITICAL’ page (Polimodo?) and move all this stuff over to it? I’m so tired of surfing to Gizmodo to look at tech news or Lifehacker to look at cool tips, tricks, and recipes, and getting politics. It’s the equivalent of your neighbor’s loud music irritating your quiet…
“You. Yes, you.” probably doesn’t like the fact they are Christian. They do a lot of things anyone would agree with - jobs for the poor, cheap clothing and home goods, food distribution, etc. They also tell people about Jesus.
#8 (How to Avoid Being Audited) seems to get thrown around a lot, but I have yet to see an explanation of how this can actually be accomplished beyond obvious things such as avoiding mathematical errors. If there’s something about my personal situation that makes an audit more likely, I’m not going to change what I…
“other times, knowing evil means knowing how to beat it.”
This is essentially the same as installing a breaker for an electric dryer or water heater. i.e. not a HUGE deal but care should be taken.
If nothing on this list works, please consider seeing a psychiatrist. Depression is real. Chemical imbalance in the brain is real. While maybe there are people in the world on medication that don't need it, some people do. Don't be afraid to find out if medication could help you.
Protip: Don't cut the 2 conductors straight across, making them the same length. Instead, offset the lengths so even if the heat shrink tubing comes apart, the splices won't touch.
Your car probably came with a jack of some kind and in most cases, this should be sufficient to lift your car and work underneath it. If your jack cannot raise your car enough to place the oil drain pan underneath it and still leave you enough room to work, find a jack that can. It's also a good idea to use a car jack…
Something to make sure to consider when looking in to this (and the reason I don't really bother unplugging my phone chargers, etc.) is that very roughly, every watt of power that's being used 24/365 will cost you $1/year (assuming about $0.12/kWh). So unplugging your cellphone charger when you're not using it, will…
Haha. It is kind of the WebMD for Windows. I should have left a warning in the article. "If you support computers for friends and family, DO NOT show them Event Viewer."
I find electrical work to be the most daunting (in appearance and thought), but in reality the easiest thing to undertake. With plumbing being the hardest thing in reality.
As someone who does both ("runs" servers at enterprise level and codes at various levels) I think I disagree that it's "easier" to run servers. It's easier to install Ubuntu server edition than to learn to write a C program, it's true, but that's not "running" a server. For each level of coding there is a…
You know, I wouldn't mind going to the dentist so much if they didn't try to TALK TO ME WHEN THERE'S A BUNCH OF STUFF IN MY MOUTH.
no you fucking moron, i use it to describe people like YOU who believe every thing they read online and who jump on the bandwagons when it suits their mood. its YOU who i describe, yet another copy pasta tool that thinks they are original. you are a sheeple, you describe sheeple in your post trying to call me names. …
i am semi disabled, i can walk short distances but i have 2 burst discs in my lower back, just today i think i blew out the meniscus in my right knee stepping funny taking out the recycling. my wife is working full time and going to school i stay at home and take care of the homestead. i had a hard time doing the MAN…
Yup. Here in Los Angeles, $1.6 billion is spent per year on welfare given to people who are not even US citizens. Because many illegal immigrants have citizen children, those children become wards of the state and the welfare monies go to the adult of the household, regardless of their immigration status. This is…