
"Kristen B. Ell" was a joke on her coming to present with Michael B. Jordan, dum-dum.

I bet his boss Todd was still a dick about it.

I'm so glad I remembered seeing this review on the front page and seeking it out to read before buying. I can't abide by pay to play after an initial purchase. Good looking out, Kotaku!

Everyone hold off discussing ASOIF till this pretentious piece of shit gets his family's shit together! Can't you see this is important? He's a man of knowledge (who has no time to read)! You're all MONSTERS!

Everyone hold off discussing ASOIF till this pretentious piece of shit gets his family's shit together! Can't you see this is important? He's a man of knowledge (who has no time to read)! You're all MONSTERS!

Quit acting like your opinion is the only valid one. Me, and many others judging by this thread, don't feel cheated out of their $60. So the multiplayer came out a little undercooked. Big deal. If you base buying a GTA solely off of multiplayer, you are doing it wrong. GTA:O is fun. And quit focusing on one trailer

Quit acting like your opinion is the only valid one. Me, and many others judging by this thread, don't feel cheated out of their $60. So the multiplayer came out a little undercooked. Big deal. If you base buying a GTA solely off of multiplayer, you are doing it wrong. GTA:O is fun. And quit focusing on one trailer

Agreed, I love his accent. It was great seeing it come out of his face-hole for once. Someone in the comments on his last video accused him of being a fat man in real life (to which he replied something witty) and it made me worry he didn't look like the amalgam of his avatar and the vision I had in my head. He's

I just discovered Leo's videos the other day, and holy shit, this guy is fantastic. Good hire Kotaku! Fuck that time bus!

I've noticed it in Peggle 2 when I checked out some sweet combos, and I'm starting to believe there may be a second or two recording delay after launching a ball so it's not possible to tell where exactly the ball was launched. It's kind of crap for those rare moments you come out of the launcher smoking pegs, but it

You're definitely looking back with rose-colored glasses in GTA IV & RDR. Fantastic games, each, but GTA V is R*'s culmination of the concepts presented in those games. There's not one thing those games do "better" than GTA V. The problem is you. Slow your roll, enjoy the sights.

So let's let the guy who, admittedly, doesn't even usually go to the theater dictate what kind of experiences we should be having there. Sounds fair.

I picked up LEGO City Undercover for 3DS too, and I'm pretty happy too with it, as well. It doesn't have all the fancy bells and whistles of the Wii U version, but the gameplay is similar enough. I just finished story mode in the Wii U version the other day (in anticipation of the prequel 3DS game) and I'm enjoying