Frank Grimes

Oh good one that actually uses sand paper! one could do it by hand if they already have the fine papers but this is a good deal if you dont and should go much faster.

Oh good one that actually uses sand paper! one could do it by hand if they already have the fine papers but this is

And assume that laws and rules would prevent such terrible maintenance or that a yearly inspection would somehow prevent stupidity the rest of the year. Also why is the assupmtion that these stories are all from the USA? If it happened it europe lets say Italy I wouldnt think that all people in italy are terrible


I just realized I want a RUF targa panamera.

kinda makes me wish I'd done something with my life.

All it needs is a GPS sensor so I can know an actual reliable time I can expect my mail also ears so it looks like a dog.

THIS! Dont be polite and wave me through if its your turn cuz I will just stare at you until you go.

haha a glorious display of denim.

in one of my metal fabrication books it shows Ron Fournier building metal flares for a Capri and a Mustang that was some kind of prototype for Ford for IMSA or something. If it is one of those cars I think it would be a nice price.

This video really made me hate trucks. I dont want a truck with presence or strength or feels. I want a truck that can do things. I dont want chrome plated plastic bull crap or 4 zone laser climate control. I dont want huge fake vents to make it look like some industrial machine when its got acres of leather and

I would make a fridolin replica

I got my handsfree blue glowing orb at autozone along with my new sticker.

In the southern hemisphere the gas goes down the filler the opposite direction.

she cant even therefore she should report immediatley to the local constubulary for a mandatory drivers education course.

Where is the one for fat?


I have a feeling by the time you get rid of the land rover it will have every part replaced with new ones.

What kind of man grows a beard but needs fricken lasers to trim it?

I am in the market for the miata of long range stealth bombers.

Xr4ti found this yellow one on ebay.