Frank Grimes

I think the worst would be those caliper covers. Not only are they pointless and stupid and ugly but they are held on with double sided tape and probably hurt braking performance when they are supposed to look like racecar. Also having things that could fall off into my wheel is terrifying.

it ate everyone at yard sale.

I want to go there with a bunch of aftermarket and resto catalogs and watch thier minds get blow'd'd.

Reading the comments makes me wish I had friends with cool cars. I HAVE NEVER EVEN DRIVEN ANY CORVETTE! I should fix this somehow.

That is what confused me when I first read this. For some reason from the lack of information given in the article I read it sounded like it kept blaming the keyless entry and the old peoples lack of techno knowledge.

I always wonder if people who post this insanity on ebay see all the watchers and think what a genius they are and start thinking of how many gold lexus SUVs they will buy.

What is this a gift guide written by someone who knows what jalopnik people want?

how much more for a gold star?

Today i learned men can't be friends its either being a loner or being super gay.

maybe he was confused it was a sandwich shop.

I approve. lets just assume my opinion has any sort of importance and my approval matters. :)

Did you get into cars to look like a cool way into the rockabilly scene bro?

I bought one of those bluetooth blaster speakers and put it in a steel mill and blasted out some EDM all of them started dancing it was fabulous. I left after that but feeling good.

the old man who sits in a lawn chair by the quarter panel reading louis lamour with his amazing car that only goes to car shows and never driven anywhere else. him and his wife sit and read and never look at the other cars.

a million times this.

a hot rod roadster a stock ford roadster a duesenberg a hispano suiza it canbe them all. really I was trying to make a 32 ford roadster but its ao low res is could be any roadster with fenders and a solid front axle. or bumper


I got 8/9 I am a NA miata...How can I be the car I drive.

What if its a pendleton wool blanket from my favorite national park?