
Grabbed it this morning and I can't wait to sink into it tonight.

Me too, my abs are actually a little sore from yesterday's workout still.

Take a day off.

I've been having a blast with Wii Fit U. But I don't think I'm gonna lose much weight with it alone, its just been good at getting me off my ass.

Did you set up a Nintendo Network ID before downloading?

It was the same hardware, but everything was wiped from the system memory. I had to go through all of the same setup processes as I did when I got it. It could be tied to the hardware, but I just know it let me redownload all my games once I signed in with my NNID.
If nothing else, I hope it helps shed some light on

I accidentally reformatted my 3DS system memory (shut up I know I'm a moron) and I ended up with a completely cleared 3DS. It wouldn't recognize anything on my SD card, but I logged in with my NNID on the eShop and downloaded everything I already had, no issues. So it seems tied to the NNID as far as I can tell.

A new tea kettle, new fishing rod, a Jay Cutler shirt (fuck yeah), The Essential Neruda, and an old hardcover copy of Everything That Rises Must Converge. Pretty rad.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the Large Pixel Collider can do with an army of Skyrim mods.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

No clue. I'd really love to see the virtual console become a cross system experience though.

Lets see some N64 games on the eShop.

I guess its US only, not sure if thats a factor for you.

+1 for a Rousseau reference.

Yeah, I just logged on, saw it, and grabbed it. Its not even listed under the price drops section. I guess I should pay more attention when I'm scrolling through.

Mega Man X is $2 on the Wii U eShop.

Anybody have a suggestion for a good gamepad to use for fighting games on PC? I'm using a 360 controller right now, but I feel like there are better options out there.

I had been thinking about doing my own game reviews, but between this and the issues I've had with a short film I made and posted on youtube, I'm rethinking it. Or at least posting videos elsewhere.


The forums were awesome for replacing the shit midi mix with the orchestral version in VII.