
Uhh wow, you might wanna look into Yiff or something because you might be a furry...

Oh noes. This moneysaver isn't complete without that deal. Try just posting the deal minus the complaints like everyone else.

You actually read all of that? I couldn't make it past the second paragraph. This article is not only pointless but the deginition of tldr.

As another gay person adding his/her opinion into the mix, I think Narffet is spot on.
Let me use my sarcastises here. A++ Another AMAZING example of Kotaku journalism. /end sarcasm.
I think this article is garbage. It's obvious to anyone willing to actually listen to the freaking script that the two of them have a

1000% Agreed. I read this article and was thinking, "so?" I mean, all the racial slurs and such in GTA games (among others) and THIS is what someone is offended by. Jeebus.

She just has no means of providing anything worth while so she stirs controversy over nothing to get attention.

Do they female readers of Kotaku actually identify with her as a representiative of female gamers? I am not sure. A lot of guys on the site certainly get annoyed from the tone of the comments. Perhaps someone else would be a better "token female gamer" for the sites articles? I have never noticed, is there a black

"The gay joke in Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon is harmless. Or is it?"

It's not just harmless, it's a non-issue. This article itself is far more offensive than the joke itself.

I'm not even sure it's supposed to be a joke. It just sounds like characterization to me... a conversation between people. Like, he's chiding his gay friend for being such a slut, maybe?

I pretty much just roll my eyes whenever I see her profile pic at the top of an article.

No need for the name calling. But honestly, how do you expect people not to draw the parallel?

Because of the economy, people with talents elsewhere have to work measly jobs like being a janitor or work at burger king to make ends meet.

If I still have to be connected online to "verify/install" the game before it works, then it's still the same thing and no deal, Microsoft.

I guess anything that's not Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is just over your head. Stay in school kid.

Gamer in a half shell— can you please tell me which games you have played recently that pass your standards of having good programming and a good story? I am just wondering because I have a list in my mind of what you will say but just want to verify since you know so well how gaming and programming works. Thank you

Love the inception horns. More please!

I think the consensus is a spoiler warning would be nice. People who play games come to this site, not revealing secrets and stuff would be common courtesy. If this were a movie blog, for instance, would it be okay to reveal the ending of the next big movie you're looking forward to in the headline? It's just plain

That is NOT the official page. I got fooled myself. Registered to a James Warner.

Lost and the Damned had full male-nudity in it.