
The sticking point here is that Nintendo should have done this BEFORE the Wii U launched, not six months later when they saw their sales numbers were less than expected. This move is Marketing 101. How much does it cost them to send a message to current Wii owners? Nothing.

Unplayable? I am 90% into the game. All you need is a controller.

Nicholas Payne obviously never played it on PC using DSfix.

I played both on consoles and PC and the PC version was superior.

Let me call bullshit on this.

it's not a travesty, they just didn't improve upon the console release and obviously didn't have the workforce or know-how for a proper port. Luckily the modding community is improving on it all the time and the PC version is quickly becoming the definitive version of one of the best games of this generation.

Ever heard of the DSfix mod? Its amazing! Also, I've beaten Dark Souls more than a few times on PC, and I love it! PC is the only way to play it, because its the only way to see it all in 1080!

No not this. I played with a playstation 3 controller a little toshiba satellite laptop withoutthe 'gamefixing' mods and it ran beautifully, I don't see where the hate for the pc version is coming from...

It's not THAT bad. Patch it a little and you will get along.

easily fixable

The mod community pretty much fixed the issues though so it's all good.

Ok Microsoft, I'll take your advice and get the ps4

Criticism is one thing but implying that an artist should totally self-censor himself and his character designs because his art may be offensive to someone is something entirely different. Once you start getting into that mess you're basically saying it's ok to censor anything that may be offensive to anyone out there.


You specifically attacked the character before and now you're backtracking.

Reading Kamitani's response really upset me. It's obvious he got in trouble for his response to you regarding perceived insults to his designs, and now he has to pay for it by writing this kind of apology letter.

Jason normally I agree with your crusade for more Japanese games in America and what not, and I am

wow you are all some big men talking shit on some dudes bedroom job

Thank you. Well said.

lilalienpup - Ignore them your message was read by many and i agree with you a ton. One person silly attempt to hijack your valid response means nothing well said man. You cannot enter a football game and demand they stop tackling cause you don't agree with violence just stay out of the game. And to the sad grammar

You did good, son. Really good.

Look Jason, you fucked up plain and simple. No amount of rewriting your position is going to change that, you are forever bias in your assessment in the eyes of your fellow Kotaku. Your words went significantly farther than an article on the broader issue of sexism or inequality in the gaming industry and was a direct