
Especially "film star". "Film" is the usual British word, for God's sake. We don't say "movie".

It's rooted in religious tradition, obviously, but it's probably not economically worth changing it now. Small/local-type shops - your newsagent, your Sainsburys Local - are open all day and most big shops probably wouldn't get that much benefit from having to pay many more staff much longer Sunday hours.

"Oh look, it's a Bank Holiday. Let's plan loads of DIY and outdoorsy stuff to do despite knowing that the weather and the traffic will probably suck, and then bitch about it incessantly anyway!"

Swift references FTW!

I'm so sorry your friend had to have that experience, but at least she's lucky enough to have some fucking kick-ass friends.

Yes, to me this picture appeared to be not so much Katie Holmes in Marchesa, as Zombie Katie Holmes losing the battle against her voraciously hungry dress.

Shove them down round one ankle is what I did at my wedding, if I recall correctly.

Yeah, I really wish I could wear the Freya Deco, but its shape and my shape are just each other's kryptonite. The Wireless Deco, though, is awesome.

What could people feasibly do, though? If he resists treatment - and I am guessing that he absolutely would - then options are nil up until the point that he constitutes a serious threat to himself or someone else, which he currently doesn't.

Currently, I am a huge fan of yoga pants because I'm 11 weeks pregnant and all my other trousers are in not-so-comfy territory. God bless those stretchy motherfuckers.

VS is pretty much notorious in big-boob and lingerie-knowledgeable circles as having terrible, terrible fitting and crappy bras, yes. They will never fit you into a size other than the very limited range they actually stock, which has led to them putting, say, a 30G in a 36B bra.

Panache is well-known in lingerie circles for being made for a "wide and shallow" boob shape/projection. Freya caters for "narrower and deeper". Each brand has its own fit profiles. Bratabase ( is a good way of finding out how a bra fits; I also recommend the LJ community (I know) Thirty-Two D and

I wear a 28G, so I feel you. I use the Panache bra for high-impact stuff and Shock Absorber wireless stuff for lower-impact activity. I recommend buying all your bras online and getting into blogs and small-band big-bust communities as well.

It apparently does cost a lot to design and develop a sports bra capable of genuinely supporting and holding the boobage in place for high-impact stuff. (VS doesn't give a shit about this factor, so their costs are lower.)

Seconded! The Panache sports bra is the shit, and gives you good shape plus separation. I also second the resizing.

I hate to say it, but a sexual-compatibility problem this early in the relationship is not really a great sign. It is unlikely his interest in sex is going to increase, so the question, longer-term, is probably going to be whether you can deal with it at the level it's at now. You can certainly roll with it for now

I have an English degree, and as it happens now I'm an organisational psychologist. There are tons and tons and tons and tons of options open to an English graduate, and it's a perfectly practical degree. Seriously, DO NOT go to grad school just because you aren't sure what to do career-wise. You will end up less

Man, are your friends still really into clubs? Jeez. I'm pretty extraverted and love to dance, but I'm too old for that shit already (I'm 30) and frankly have been for about 4 years.

I second bringing this up in therapy. My ultimate take on these kinds of issues is that while you can certainly ask a partner to be respectful and thoughtful about them, ultimately addressing insecurities is on you and not him. I'm sure your therapist can be helpful; good luck.

I live in Brixton, and he has the Sarf Lahndan accent nailed. He sounds exactly like he grew up here.