
So we're levying chemical attacks on people we don't know now — people who are minding their own business and just trying to have a good time — potentially risking their lives in the process, and you people still can't get past "hurr hurr furries" as a response? Really? The fuck is wrong with you people?

You know, it's interesting: Men's Rights Activists always complain that feminists ignore problems facing men. And then when a feminist addresses a problem that harms men, as Anita is doing right here, they attack her for it.

Considering all the harassment she and other women (and exclusively women) have received in gaming, they kind of make Sarkeesian's point with every rape threat. It's been quite a lot of evidence in the last couple months.

Just encouraging everyone again to please be good to your GameStop advisers. They are the most passionate and helpful people i know in regards to video games; they bend over backwards to share their love of games with people despite not being paid nearly enough to warrant it. They've even met me in-game and off the

She's just as scary in this video captured from the Tokyo Game Show 2014 stream as she was in the clips from the game I refuse to play because I am a complete wuss.

No、graphics or gameplay are not things I am worried about (though I do have to wonder how this gameplay in any way translates to Final Fantasy, considering how this action thing is pretty much the opposite of the more traditional JRPG). What I am worried about is the writing. While FF games generally have a nice

You sure it wouldn't be this:

We all know that Solid Snake's Pokemon should be this:

japanese cops leave the force when they punch an arcade game. amurican cops get paid leave when they murder innocent people.

hes just breathing life into her after she dies at the end. spoilers.

I REGRET NOTHING! *twirls moustache, flaps cape and exits stage left*

The series is FAR AWAY from Tomm Hullett's hand, and I couldn't be happier.

Wow, the commentary on that video was so fucking annoying. Seriously, people watch these types of videos? The players should really learn to shut the fuck up and just play the game. I don't want to hear you comment on every damn little facet of the game.

Shattered Memories was not terrific....It was a god awful abortion of the original Silent Hill....I prefer to think of it as a what if Silent Hill 1 was shit, because they got that nailed perfectly.......

I want to commend Kotaku for running this coverage of Bronycon, just as they would PAX or E3. Pony culture generates games, and it is a subset of gaming culture now. This coverage is appropriate, and right to do.

Actually Season 4 is one of the best season imo. But Season 3 was a hit or miss to me.

I feel sick. Just, that's all I have. Every life lost is sad, but how doubly tragic that so many of these people had so much yet to contribute to saving so many, many others.

While his response is odd... I find this post a bit more troubling. It seems like this post is saying "we're going with Temkin's version of events happened, but..."

I'm sure it has more than the number of constructive comments you make.