Personally i find Anime child porn very creepy but i would prefer it if a peadophile acted out their fantasies through drawings than actual photos of children or even worse actually abusing children.
Personally i find Anime child porn very creepy but i would prefer it if a peadophile acted out their fantasies through drawings than actual photos of children or even worse actually abusing children.
My opinion on this: If someone is sexually attracted to children (I guess it kind of works like beeing hetero or gay: you can't not be it, but I'm no professional on this matter), I prefer he wanks to drawn child porn than to real sexualized children in our modern TV shows.
Investors can suck it. All they see is profits and if you don't make MORE profit than last year, they jump ship, immediately consideting selling out or forcing it into bankruptcy. These Wall Street gangsters are poison to true capitalism and healthy competition and innovation. They just don't want to understand how…
Yes, because like 999 out of 1,000* video games have all-male or heavily male-dominated casts of characters, like 10 male characters and 1 or 2 female characters. Calm yourself manchild, I promise we women will be benevolent overlords.
So illuminating!!! TURN DOWN FOR....butt?
It's not a "problem" because it's a choice vs having realtime reflections which are very expensive. Cube mapping is used in a LOT of games to fake reflections.
I don't think it's that people "won't LET" xbox do what it's trying to do. It's that people "don't WANT" what it's trying to do.
The best way is to go right up to her and ask her out. That's it.
It's time to say it. Look, video gamers. I am sure you are all good, fine people, but please leave your crap out of our shows about ponies. Every time I turn around its video games this, video games that. All the forums I read are plague by video games. Give it a rest, you deviants.
You poor thing! How have you not seen the glory that is From Dusk til Dawn?
Oh you poor thing. It's from a series of moving pictures set to sound which is popularly known as a movie or film.
I think the series lost it's way once the got to Waterslide '96. Wasn't the same after that.
DISCLAIMER: You may not agree with what I have to say here. What you read may piss you off. I'm fine with that. In fact, I'm so fine with it that I've decided that I won't even challenge what you reply back with. Why? I'm done arguing about this with people. I've heard your views and the reasoning you use to support…
More or less, the key is to just be yourself. Let others figure out your a nice guy and never just announce it.