
Can we spoil now?

Right after Rick beat down Ty, I looked over at my wife and told her I thought Carrol did it. She didn't believe me.

Last person to take a shower died remember? LOL!

No, sorry. I'm good with the one we have. Cap's always been my favorite Marvel character, just barely above Wolverine and I think he's been the best cast character so far.

I absolutely loved this movie growing up! Well done mate!

There was a time when I could have passed that sculpture off as one of my girlfriend.

I'm actually toying with this very idea for next year's Comic-Con. A raven turned white walker.

Yeah that kinda pissed me off too. And it was a Time Lord that the Doctor looked up to, or at least liked.

Derrick Riggs FTW!

Time to die...

These two would certainly agree with you.

I would absolutely love to have a tv series of THIS:

I for one would absolutely welcome this.

Hey I have zero problem with that. If this is an open space flight system like Jump to Lightspeed was I'm back in! I miss my advanced TIE :-/

Um, is it me or does it still look like it's on rails?

If you really want to be a troll, tell 'em you have big news then send the image.

I see Ben Kingsley's name associated with Ep 7 and I automatically assume politician. I can't see him in any major villain role after Iron Man 3.

Best size page ever!

Emo stars are emo.

The only one out of the series I've struggled to read. Can't say I've hated it at all, as a matter of fact I love it; it's just that the universe has changed so much by Leto II's extended presence it feels like I lost everything I loved from the first couple of books.

The thing about this book is that it tends to read a lot like the Bible's book of Leviticus or Chronicles. This elf begat this elf, and these elves begat these two elves, who married two other elves and begat so-and-so and so-and-so who went on to betray his elven brothers, etc. Still, I loved every page LOL!